Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I really want to understand this. Scotland is releasing terrorist prisoners. We are racing forward to close Guantanamo. Obama is quietly releasing terrorist prisoners back to their native countries. If a terrorist is detained in a military action in Afghanistan, the military is required to read them their “Miranda Rights.” Obama now requires the Red Cross be notified within 14 days of any terrorist detention in Afghanistan. And Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the United States, with the approval of the President no matter what Obama says, has decided to investigate those who interrogated the terrorists. In the meantime, we have an ex-felon, an avowed communist who openly advocated the overturn of the United States government, serving as Green Czar in the White House.

In the meantime, the government has run up such massive amounts of debt we are in danger of losing dollar currency supremacy in the world, and possibly our triple AAA credit rating. Cap and Trade will in effect stymie any future growth in the country that would generate tax revenue to pay for what we owe. The government has nationalized the car industry. It has nationalized the banking industry. It is attempting to nationalize the health care industry. It is demanding information from private businesses with no legal basis or probable cause for doing so. We now have a “pay czar” whose job is to look at who is getting paid what in America…not only for TARP beneficiaries, but all business. And the White House is asking Americans to spy on other Americans and report to the White House any “fishy” information. He has neutered Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. The rapid buildup of troops in Afghanistan isn’t even on the media radar. Finally, he has moved the census from the Department of Interior, where it can be controlled by Congress, to the White House, where it is now in the control of political operatives.

The question I have is “why?” I can’t think of any possible reason for this other than Obama is setting up a structure for the destruction of the United States. From its collapse, he can then build his utopian, socialist America. He is a creature of extreme left wing politics, and it has taken 6 months for the nation to begin to experience a sense of unease about what they are seeing. The anger at the town hall meetings may have been sparked by the health care debate, but it is being fed by the queasy feeling being felt in an electorate which can’t process what it is seeing because it is so foreign to it. We have NEVER seen anything like this in the history of the nation.

What is that smiling, easy going manner hiding? He is either an extremely smart leftist, or a puppet of a group of leftists who are pulling his strings. I haven’t figured out which is the truth. But these folks have a disdain for Democracy. They have a superiority complex which demeans the electorate. They don’t care what the electorate thinks as long as they can fool the electorate.

I think what is going to happen next is a reality check with the polls by Obama and Congress. If Obama is sinking, Congressional approval ratings are non-existent. But the left wing ideologues are still in charge, and I believe they will continue this breaking down of America as fast as they can, to achieve as many of their goals as they can, until the 2010 election tells them to stop.

Look for them to try to ram through a government insurance plan for health care. But also look for them to try to nationalize one, maybe two, more industries. Look for them to attack the oil industry, and possibly the broadcast industry, trying to shut down dissent. That is what socialist governments do.

As you watch this travesty unfold, look for the socialist modus operandi: Demonize…Politicize…Nationalize.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time to Get to Work and Fix Health Care

One of the advantages of health care being run by private insurance companies is that government can regulate it. That is a much better option than the government itself running health care because who would regulate the government? You can always sue the insurance company. If the government screws up, you’re stuck. There are no options when the government is the ultimate decision maker.

President Obama may be coming to his senses and may or may not be considering the so called public option. Reality is meeting his ideology, and they don’t mix. Maybe now there can be some serious based effort to fix our health care system based on what is needed rather than what ideological beliefs dictate. Here is what they have to do:

1) Define the people who are uninsured so you can get a truthful idea of what reforms are actually needed, how many people are involved, and the cost of fixing the problems. He will discover that this is not a one size fits all problem.

2) Allow insurance companies to sell nationally based products as opposed to state based products to equalize the pool and the costs.

3) As a condition of being allowed to sell health insurance, the insurance companies shall contribute to a cooperative non-profit venture whose sole purpose will be to insure folks who can’t buy regular policies at affordable rates because of pre-existing conditions.

4) Require all citizens to purchase health insurance. No insurance, no driver’s license. The government can set standards for a basic, high deductible policy with health savings accounts and require the insurance companies to offer such a policy to those under the age of 30.

5) Allow the formation of insurance cooperatives with basic care standards for those who feel straight insurance policies are too expensive.

6) Make sure that all citizens who currently meet the qualifications for existing government programs get signed up.

7) For those who fall through the cracks, expand the existing Medicare program (perhaps to those over 55 who lose their jobs either through layoffs or plant closings) and Medicaid for those who simply can’t afford it. This should be paid for by increased Medicare contributions from those working…such is the price of keeping out of a single payer, government system.

We, as Americans, have indicated these past few weeks that we believe our health care system is the best in the world. We want to keep our choices and the government out of our medical decisions. By the same token, we must realize that nothing is free. We may have to bite the bullet of increased Medicare/Medicaid taxes in order to achieve the above. I think it is worth the price…to stay away from single payer, rationed care.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Read the Health Care Bill

Midst the shouting and the accusations over the proposed change in health care, one thing has been conspicuously absent: what does the House bill do? The bulk of the problem lies in the undisputed fact that the Democrats have attempted to rush a bill the Congress that no one has read. Not only haven’t they read the bill, those out selling the thing are clueless as to what is in it. That includes Barack Obama who hocking ideology rather than hard details.

Of course, there are those who contend that Obama and his cronies know exactly what is in the bill, and they also know if the public knew what they know, it would be dead in the water. Better to keep the folks back home focused on the evil insurance companies.

So, I decided to read the bill to see for myself who is telling the truth. It is long, but it is not insurmountable. Minimally, you can read through the Section titles and first paragraphs and clearly understand what this thing does. You can also reference directly, through a little homework online, the various sections of the bill that are under fire.

I can tell you that this bill is as Draconian a piece of legislation as I ever seen. It does exactly what the critics say it does. It is voluminous. The process is detailed to the point of incoherence. I think it is patently unconstitutional, and the many of the key provisions would be overthrown if challenged in court. Obama said today that this is not the Canadian plan. Well, it is minimally a cousin. The Canadian Supreme Court came close to throwing out the entire Canadian system in 2005, saying the right to health care does not mean the right to stand in line. Here is what I found out relating to the most offensive parts of the bill.

1) I have written for the past two weeks that if you have private insurance, you can keep it. BUT, if it changes in any way, or you are fired, or your company cancels insurance for all employees, private insurance companies will not be able to sell you a plan directly. You will have to go to the government insurance clearinghouse, and buy plans that have been crafted by the government and approved by the government…it is one size fits all. It may be through a private company, but it would be like Ford, GM, and Toyota all selling the identical car. THIS IS THE AMERICAN EQUIVILENT TO WHAT THE CANADIAN SUPREME COURT THROUGH OUT, RULING THAT GOVERNMENT CANNOT LIMIT PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS FROM ACCESSING INSURANCE OFFERED BY PRIVATE COMPANIES.

2) The government has to be granted access to your bank accounts.

3) The government will establish an extensive and intrusive end of life “counseling” plan that even I can't even figure out. You and your family will spend the last days dealing with a government bureaucracy.

4) Comparative effectiveness, that theory which will limit your access to the best drugs available, is specifically written into the bill. It has a whole section dedicated to it. It will “effectively” remove any incentive to drug companies to develop new drugs. If they can’t sell them, what’s the point?

This is a scary bill. You should be afraid. You should be outraged. EVERYONE SHOULD TAKE THE TIME TO READ THROUGH THE BILL.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Dangerous, Imperial Presidency

When President Obama was elected President, I was skeptical. He seemed like a nice guy. Although his history was one of interesting associations out of the mainstream re: Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright to name just a fes, maybe it was just politics. His initial appointees, the ones who had to be approved by Congress, seemed to be centrist. I thought maybe he would surprise folks. I was wrong.

After six months in office, I have concluded that Barack Obama is a leftist radical, hell bent on shaping America to fit his view of “social justice”. He is a socialist. Slowly, but surely, his true beliefs are emerging. Previous statements now coming to light highlight his lies and contempt for the American electorate. His appointees (“czars” appointed outside of the Congressional confirmation process) are extremists. We should be outraged and concerned at the fraud he has perpetrated on the American public wrapped in his smiling veneer. No other President, including Richard Nixon, has done more to move almost dictatorial power to the White House. His is THE imperial presidency. His sole goal is to right his perception of 400 years of oppression, the Constitution be damned. There is a reason he is a Constitutional expert…that is how he learned to get around it, manipulate, and ignore it.

Item 1: His ties to Acorn are strong and alive. He is attempting to move the census out of the oversight of the Department of the Interior into the White House. He is hiring Acorn to do the counting. He believes in census computer models. If he doesn’t like what the actual count shows, he will not hesitate to attempt to use the computer model instead. He can manipulate computer models to fit his vision of reality. That is dangerous. That is how the Communists work.

Item 2: Eric Holder, Obama’s Attorney General, is a committed black leftist. How committed? He recently dismissed Federal charges against the new Black Panther Party for voter intimidation at Philadelphia polling places in the last election. For God’s sake, they have the intimidation on tape. The Black Panthers failed to answer a Federal suit against them thereby admitting the charges. If you aren’t familiar with the new Black Panther movement, you ought to be. These are weapon wielding thugs, and you should be afraid of them. Barack Obama should go after them. He won’t. He approves.

Item 3: Obama’s “Green Jobs” Czar is an admitted communist and felon. Van Jones is also a committed black activist who has stated numerous times he is a communist and black nationalist. He is about as radical as one can get. He has done jail time. His views are beyond “out of the mainstream” bordering on treasonous. And this is who Obama appointed? This guy should be in jail. We should be running from people like this. And yet Obama has chosen to make him an unconfirmed White House “czar”.

Item 4: Obama is outright lying to the public about his health care reform to solve the health care “crisis”. What crisis? He stated overtly, numerous times, and on tape in 2003, that it is his clear goal to establish a single payer, government run, health care system, and to eliminate private health insurance companies. You can watch him say it on my web page this week. Barney Frank has said that the current bill will pave the path to a single payer system. Former Senator Tom Daschle, one of the chief architects of Obama’s health care has written numerous times seniors need to learn to live with their infirmities and accept the reality of the “end of life.” Is this what you want to hear when you are over 75?

Item 5: As his lies become more evident, he has demonized health care professionals, accusing doctors of ROUTINELY over treating people, and prescribing unnecessary medications or more expensive medications. This has come out since the violent reaction by the public against his health care policies. What is his reaction to these health care plan protests? On the White House website, he has asked people to inform him of those that disagree.

Item 6: His attack on the Cambridge police department in an unscripted comment shows a chip on his shoulder. That chip is the dominant factor in all of his decisions. He can drink all the beer he wants. Those comments were wrong. They were uncalled for, and were made in defense of his Harvard professor buddy. The pattern continues.

Item 7: While loudly proclaiming he is not anti-business, he is slowly but surely nationalizing every aspect of our society. He is inserting government into every aspect of your life. He is big brother personified. If you doubt what he wants to do, read the now removed disclaimer from Cars.gov relating to your computer and what is on it. This is scary stuff.

Item 8: His cap and trade bill will control every aspect of your life, more than you can possibly imagine. Couple that with his health “reform”, he will control every single thing you do, from how far you can drive to how much light is allowed in your house to how much natural gas you will be allowed to treat yourself to computers monitoring you home’s energy useage to how much food you will be allowed to eat.

Item 9: He strong armed his buddies in the press into carrying yet another news conference last week…the health care one… in which he said absolutely nothing new. By the way, while the health care debate rages everywhere else, the lead stories on the mainstream media aren’t about health care, they are about Michael Jackson. Folks…that is how it is done in Russia! The state controlled media simply doesn’t report the news of consequence. Why churn the pot and cause fear?

This is not a new story. History shows time and again this is how socialists move into power. Banks are evil. Corporations are evil. Rich people are evil. They are the tools of racism and oppression, and must be eliminated or destroyed. He can say what he wants, reading platitudes of democracy from his teleprompter; but look at what he does, not what he says. You won’t like what you see. Wait a minute. Take the time to go back beyond 2008, and you can read what he says. His views are perfectly clear.