Saturday, October 27, 2012

Not Obama

For many, Barack Obama has been an enigma. He is a publicly charming man with a beautiful family. He says the “right” things. He has a “cool” factor. He watches “b-ball.” He hangs out with pop celebrities. He calls himself “eye candy.” And more than anything, he is the first President in my ever increasing life span that understands and is the epitome of American pop culture. There is lots of flash. He is a President for the masses. He understands it. He knows how to play it.

The 2008 election was one of hope when America needed it most. The soaring rhetoric was just right for the times as the world economy neared collapse. It was a scary time and Obama’s messianic campaign dazzled the public and the media who failed to look behind the curtain to see what was really there. Journalistic standards were tossed out with those toxic bonds as a long biased press totally abandoned any pretense of objectivity and was sucked in to the movement. There are no red states. There are no blue states. There is only the “United” States. Tears were flowing. We were saved.

Four years later, for many, the Obama love is still there. The press is still giving him passes. He has had one press conference in the past year…and one “normal” interview this election cycle as he trips the light fantastic from MTV to The Daily Show to rap radio-jocks to the View to Letterman to Leno where the questions start with “Tell me, Mr. President, have you found your way around the White House after four years?” Not only has the press not asked him any tough questions, journalists have simply refused to report hard news stories until the alternate media forced their back to the wall and the stories could not be ignored anymore.

But like someone coming out of a heavy anesthetic, America is slowly waking up. It has been a long slog. The disconnect between the rhetoric and reality can only go on for so long before the American public senses there is something askew. Maybe we don’t understand why, but what he’s saying and what we are experiencing don’t add up. The debates exposed a divisive Barack Obama who floundered without his teleprompter. He promised to unite us but divided the country in ways beyond normal understanding, pitting one segment of our society against the other. What happened to those "united" states?

Here is Obama’s America. Our foreign policy is a fiasco. Food stamp recipients are up from 32 million to 47 million. He has added more debt than any other President in American history. Now at $16 trillion, your share is $48,000.00. Outside of 401 (K)’s, 47% of Americans have less than $500.00 in the bank. Middle class income has shrunk by $4100.00. More people have gone on disability these past few months than have found jobs…and if you found a job it is probably part time. Reported unemployment is hovering around 8%. Real unemployment is closer to 15%. Poverty, after spending billions upon billions of dollars starting with the Great Society, has gone up to over 15.5%, the highest since 1965. Our education system is in shambles.

President Obama’s solution? Tax the rich. That is his economic plan: more debt and tax the rich. You can take every penny the 1% makes….and at the end of his economic plan we will still owe in excess of $16 trillion. That is not a solution; that is plan for disaster.

Historians will be unraveling the Obama presidency for the next hundred years. I predict it will be among the most studied of presidencies as America grapples with who this guy is and what he has done. This writer can go on for pages as to Obama’s background and motivations, all of which would be for naught. America is not ready for the truth, at least not yet.

Nobody knows who will win on November 6. I view it as a win-win. If America comes to its senses and throws the bum out…we win. If America is still in its Obama stupor and re-elects him, we only have four more years. The price America will pay for four more years of Barack Obama will be steep and beyond all comprehension, but at least our Constitution say eight years is enough, and then we can get on with the business of being America.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mideast Lies Obama Told Me

Mitt Romney has experienced a surge in the polls. Many attribute it to the first presidential debate. That certainly had something to do with it. But more importantly Obama’s bubble as a trustworthy individual has been popped. The Libyan fiasco has caught up with him.

There is no other way to say it. The President lied. Faced with a disaster involving a dead ambassador plus three other dead Americans, instead of playing it straight with the American public, he lied. He said, over and over and over again, that the attack on the Libyan consulate was the result of an incendiary video attacking Islam. He sent his underlings onto all of the talk shows repeating the same story. He sent his United Nations Ambassador into television interviews repeating the same story. Almost two weeks later, even when his national security adviser admitted to Congress that they knew within hours that it was a terrorist attack, Barack Obama went in front of the United Nations and blamed the video yet again.  To make matters worse, now it has been disclosed that the Ambassador asked for security several times, including the day of the massacre, and he was refused.

What was he thinking? Even the slobbering press was aghast. He told one fib too many. The facts didn’t line up with the story, and the media was appalled. People accuse Fox News of having a conservative bias, but they employ hard core liberals as a counterpoint to the right wingers. Even liberals like Juan Williams, Kirsten Powers, and Bob Beckel had to step back from this one. And CBS News has featured reports on 60 Minutes about the utter disaster in Afghanistan and resurgence of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Afghanistan was supposed to be the "just" war.

In an election where the economy should be front and center, it is a collapsing foreign policy that is bringing the independents to Romney. We may have our differences as to our economic problems but things are spinning out of control worldwide, and if we are dead…then the economy is irrelevant.

From the end of World War II, America’s foreign policy has been peace through strength. Jimmy Carter attempted a change in that policy resulting in helicopters crashing into the desert in a failed rescue attempt of our Iranian hostages. There were no spare parts. Ronald Reagan spent the first several years of his administration getting our armed forces operable again.

Now Obama is once again talking about the “peace dividend.” Really? The Mideast is burning. North Korea is threatening the US mainland with rocket attacks. The Russians are re-arming while we unilaterally mothball our nuclear weapons. Iran says it will blow Israel up. Pakistan is a basket case. Egypt is lost. Two thousand Americans have been killed in Afghanistan, and the Obama is flying drones all over the world killing those whom he has refused to “torture” or put in Guantanamo.

The aura of Obama invincibility has come crashing down around him. He was portrayed as the black Jesus. Halos backlit his campaign posters! Now we know that he is a politician like all of the rest of them, who lied to the public about a raid on our embassy. If he lied about that for political gain, what else has he lied about?