Throughout the entire process, President Obama has lied to everybody; including pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, members of his own party, the press, and most of all to the American public. He has made promises and reneged on those promises. Deals were made with anti abortion member of the House last fall. Those deals were dumped in the Senate. Massive amounts of money were doled out to states like Nebraska, Florida and Louisiana in order to secure their senator’s vote. He has lied to the Congressional Budget Office. Richard Nixon, on his worst day, couldn’t shine these guys’ shoes. Obama hates what America stands for, and is now delivering on his promise to pattern this country after Europe’s social democracies.
The latest salvo of soon to be broken promises came on Sunday when Obama told Congressman Stupak, the head of the right to life faction of the Democratic caucus, that he would prohibit federal funds for abortion through and Executive Order….for now. Those types of orders have no real force of law, and can be rescinded with a whim. And it will.
The current Congress represents America at its worst. They are shameless, shameful, and have debased our sacred democracy in front of the rest of the world. You know what's sad? They are so wrapped in their blind alleigance to Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, they don't realize it.
Now it is our turn. The Democrats, who turned tone deaf to the wishes of their constituents and the country, will be up for re-election this fall. Some of the coward have already left, or announced they will not run again. It looks like it is going to be a rout. Americans through their phone calls, and emails, and tea parties, and through election results in New Jersey, Virginia, and Massachusetts, tried to tell our Congress to vote No. Congress didn’t listen. Now we get to make them listen.
Of particular note in this area is John Bocierri representing Ohio’s 16th Congressional District. This is a conservative district that includes Alliance and Canton. Bocierri voted no on the original bill last fall, but changed his vote this time around claiming some sob story relating to a woman with cancer from his district. There will always be a medical horror story of some type somewhere relating to sick people with or without insurance. People dying are not good copy. Bocierri didn’t change his vote for a dying woman with cancer. He changed it because his is a freshman Congressman subjected to an Obama full court press…and Bocierri fell for it. Any promises made to him will be broken within months if not weeks. Obama has hung these folks out to dry. Bocierri needs to grow a pair, or maybe he can run crying home to his mother.
So now the fun starts. There will be lawsuits and protests. The Supreme Court will re-examine the relationship between the government and the governed. But most importantly, the voters will finally be able to speak their mind.
Congress voted tonight. In November, it will be our turn.