So now the Affordable Care Act is upon us, and America better wake up. The one thing about liberal academic planners, they don't realize that all of their grandiose ideas NEVER translate to reality. These folks, with their heads in the clouds, are going to leave the rest of us bent over, holding our ass. Slowly, unfortunately too slowly, people are beginning to realize the economic debacle we are facing and the potential collapse of our health care system.
Several large companies have already announced termination of employee health care benefits, the latest being Universal Studios in Florida which has informed its part time employees they are on their own after January 1. The current "mini" plan which offered a reasonable price to part time employees is no longer legal under the ACA, leaving these folks to the whims of the "exchanges". They will either buy health insurance with after tax dollars at very expensive rates...much more than the $18.00/week they are currently paying, or simply not buy the insurance and pay the penalty.
Practically, this only effects 500 of Universal's employees, the rest of the part timers being on their parents' health care plan or simply opting out. Of course, there is no guarantee their parents will be able to keep their health insurance as a ripple effect spreads across the nation.
Company after company is reevaluating their health care plans in light of the Obamacare debacle. Some companies stand to save millions upon millions of dollars by paying penalties instead of providing health care. Health care benefits will likely always be there for their key employees, but a second tier will develop for which the company will only pay for the employee and not the family. The third tier will be most of the rest of us...the grunts...for which no employee health care will be available.
The net result of the Affordable Care Act, initially peddled to the public as a means to cover the uninsured, will be a rapid rise in the number of uninsured....until they get sick in which case they go buy the insurance when they need it, and cancel it when they don't, driving the costs for the rest of the system through the roof.
Some people say this was designed to fail on purpose. It was set up to force a systemic collapse and drive America to a single payer system. If that happens, a separate insurance system for the upper middle class and the wealthy will develop either here in the United States or off shore, leaving the rest of us, as I said above, bent over holding our ass.
Congress is well aware of the problems and is beginning to realize what they have wrought.
1) Universal long term care plans were scrapped as soon as they began due to major projected cost overruns.
2) The medical device tax is currently being re-examined because it is already driving American device manufacturers offshore.
3) The "exchanges" supposed to be available this October are based on the development of a non-existent computer hardware and software system which has yet to be built or tested. Health and Human Services, the Major Domo handling this fiasco, has thus far been uncooperative with Congress as it tries to determine how things are coming along. Don't hold your breath!!!!!
4) A majority of states have decided not to incur the costs of setting up state exchanges opting out forcing the cost and burden on the Feds. The Feds weren't expecting that and now has a non-easily solved logistical problem.
The result of Barack Obama's pie in the sky health care plan will be larger numbers of uninsured, skyrocketing health care costs, declining income to the middle class, a tanked economy, and a health care system, once the envy of the world, totally destroyed.
You see, Obama forgot one thing. You can write whatever you want on paper. The devil is in the details. As in all utopian plans...the road to hell is paved with good intentions.