Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Frog; The Scorpion; and the Pennsylvania Primary

An old story came to mind last night while watching the Democratic Primary results in Pennsylvania. A scorpion was trying to cross a river, and saw a frog sitting on a lily pad close to shore. “Can you carry me across the river?” the scorpion asked the frog. “No,” the frog replied. “You will sting me and kill me.” The scorpion gave the frog his assurance that would not happen, and climbed on the frog’s back and they proceeded to cross the river. ½ way over, the scorpion stung the frog. “Now you have killed us both! Why did you do that?” the frog cried out. The scorpion replied “It’s my nature!”

Such is the nature of the far left and the Democratic Party. If the Democratic primary were held under Republican Party primary rules, the process would have been over last night, and Hillary Clinton would have been the nominee by a delegate landslide. But the liberal, activist wing of the party, the same folks who have castrated grades in schools, don’t want winners or losers in kids sports, and spend a great deal of time worrying about “fairness” and “inclusiveness”, has woven a hangman’s noose out of a ridiculous proportional delegate selection process, and is slowly killing itself. Such is the advantage of winner take all primaries….you actually get a winner.

Instead, the conundrum the Dems are now facing is Obama being ahead in the delegate count, mostly from states he can’t win in the general election. He is ahead in the popular vote, but only if you exclude Florida and Michigan, two states the Dems have to carry in the fall election. Include them in the total, Hillary is would be ahead in the popular vote, depending on which newscast you are watching. Hillary has won every big, industrial state except for Illinois, Obama’s home state. But to the left, that is irrelevant. Black Obama trumps female Hillary every time.

After finally being hit with tough debate questions last week as to his associations, Obama is now refusing to debate further, and you will see him cutting off press access as he hunkers down. It is “prevent” defense time. If Hillary wins Indiana and has a respectable showing in North Carolina, then it will be time to play the real race card.

The Democratic Party has something called super-delegates which are there to protect the party from another 1972 McGovern type debacle. After all, the Democratic Party is a big tent, but the coalition between blue collar “Reagan” Democrats and the Kerry/Kennedy/Gore limo and latte crowd is strained and threatening the tie ropes. The super-delegates are there to cut some slack.

Not this year. Fear has gripped the super delegates. While proportional delegate selection might satisfy left wing sensitivities, it doesn’t work that way in the general election where it is winner take all for the electoral votes. Just look at a map. With a moderate McCain giving the Reagan Democrats a place to go, an Obama nomination would be a fiasco. Under normal circumstances, this would be a no-brainer. The first term Senator from Illinois can’t win the old industrial states or Florida…go with Clinton.

But all the super-delegates will see is Obama’s race, and the inherent threat of a party collapse if they choose Hillary. The Soros crowd will freak, and the blacks….well, the commentary from the news pundits is downright scary. That, my friends, is the ultimate race card. Geraldine Ferraro called it when she said Obama would not be where he is if he wasn’t black. She is right.

This year should be an easy river crossing for the Democrats, but the left wing of the party is stinging them again. It’s their nature.

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