At any rate, at least he walks the walk unlike most Dems who simply talk the talk. After huge scholarships to America’s elite of the elite schools, Columbia and Harvard, Obama went to work as a community organizer in south Chicago. I am not sure that this qualifies him to be president, but he is to be commended for wanting to give something back to the society, seriously!! The problem is that is serves as the basis for his view of life. That is his experience…elite schools followed by community service. For the most part, life ain’t that way.
His wife, Michelle, in an early speech, said that people graduating from college should eschew corporate jobs and go work for the good of society. Unfortunately, most students today coming out of college are saddled with student loans and poor job prospects. At 4 bucks a gallon for gas, one does have to make a living. What is disturbing in that approach is that it demeans people who work for corporations. 40% of all Americans pay no federal income tax. I repeat, 40% of all Americans pay no federal income tax. If that figure gets any higher, who is going to pay for the community programs that the Obama’s are pushing? There is no free lunch.
Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with service. Over the years, I have been involved in Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs, Mahoning Valley Leadership programs focusing on community issues, local theater and musical organizations. I actually sat on the board of Planned Parenthood for awhile, as well as actively raised money for Second Harvest Food Bank, not to mention numerous church projects. As a lawyer, myself as well as all lawyers, do a good amount of pro bono work just because it is the right thing to do when people are hurting.
I believe that most Americans, particularly those of us who are children of the 1960’s, intuitively help out anywhere we can. It isn’t just me, it is many of the people I know personally who volunteer both their time and treasure. I find it ironic that it is the red states that lead the list in charitable donations, and it is a Democrat who wants to institutionalize community service when blue states are at the bottom of the list in charitable donations.
Senator Obama should be commended for his efforts and pointing out the importance of community service. His work should not be belittled just as Governor Palin’s service as a small town mayor should not be belittled. Both are necessary and important to our nation. But Senator Obama, and especially Michelle Obama calling American cold and callous, should not be so quick to demean the huge amount of good work that goes unnoticed and unrewarded except for personal satisfaction.
Community Service is alive and healthy in the United States. It doesn’t need to be institutionalized.
Picture Courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons: [lee]: Some Rights Reserved
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