Other than her name, what are her qualifications to be Senator from New York? Here’s one. Well, at least she isn’t a carpetbagger like her uncle, Bobby Kennedy, who held the seat; or like another carpetbagger, Hillary Clinton, who also held the seat. Any others?
She has a law degree, but I don’t think she ever passed a Bar Association exam. She is Chairman of the American Ballet Theater. Where are my tights? Oh yes, she edited some books. Don’t forget that she attended the funerals of Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, and Lady Byrd Johnson. And she owns a 375 acre estate on Martha’s Vineyard.
In fairness, she has chaired two foundations relating to education in New York, and has raised substantial sums of money for the New York City Schools and the New York Library. And that qualifies her to be a Senator how?????
Don't get me wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what she does. The world is a much better place because people like Caroline Kennedy are around. These folks work tirelessly to help outstanding institutions that otherwise might go underfunded, and we as a nation and a people are enriched beyond measure. They ask for very little in return other than the personal satisfaction of seeing the results of their good work, be it theater or libraries or any of the infinite number of charitable foundations that provide help to the underprivileged. As a nation, we could not function without them.
On the other hand, do I really want someone like that in Congress? These folks have no real world experience, and view money as expendable, especially your money. Say what you want about our politicians, for the most part they have worked hard to get where they are and have paid their dues in spades. Many have come from humble beginnings, and understand, at least to a degree, what it means to work for a living. Some, like Barack Obama, had to play the system to get to where he is…and succeeded. His success is no small feat. Others, like John McCain, did hard time military service and earned his government positions. Still others are successful business people who came up through the ranks of labor or corporations, and know what it means to work or run a small business.
What does Caroline Kennedy know? What does she bring to the table other than her name, and she wants to be Senator? How about running for school board, or state congressional seat, or a county position to learn the ropes? How about opening a small business to learn what is involved with trying to make a buck in this world we live in? How about getting an hourly job and get to know the folks who are struggling to make ends meet on $10.00/hour and can do it with grace and a smile? How about getting some real life experience to gain some perspective on the real world?
I am a firm believer that people should do what they are good at. Caroline Kennedy has used her family position and money well, and she should continue her good work. In all seriousness, there are probably very few people who can do it as well as she does.
But she should keep out of politics. It will be bad for her, for New York, and the nation.
Picture Courtesy Flickr Creative Commons: Rubenstein; Some Rights Reserved
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