This is the most expensive inaugural in the nation’s history. Yes, some of it will be paid for by private funds…one news report has the total amount to be paid by the Federal government (tr. “the taxpayer”) for this blow-out event is $49,000,000.00. But situation is “fluid,” and may top $75,000,000.00. The governors of Virginia and Maryland, and the Mayor of the District have told the Feds that security and transportation alone would top $75,000,000.00 by itself.
The rest would come from private donations of up to $50,000.00/per from socially concerned Democrats who would rather fund a glitzy, showy affair than give the money to the poor. That would by a ton of food, clothing and shelter for those Americans who are in poverty or out of work or homeless.
Normally, I wouldn’t begrudge the victors this kind of event. But why did I think Obama would prefer a “people’s inaugural”? One based on allowing the maximum participation of those who elected them. The scope of the event is staggering. Instead of an example of fiscal restraint, what we got was a Sunday afternoon concert by liberal entertainment types, on public land at the Lincoln Memorial, the rights to which were “sold” to HBO for $5,000,000.00. If you weren’t an HBO subscriber, you didn’t get to see the event. How many people with foreclosed houses or lost jobs have discontinued luxuries like cable, let alone HBO?
On the other hand, I shouldn’t be surprised. I have always been put off the hypocrisy of limousine liberals. Back when the Kennedy brothers pushed their vision of education through forced bussing for you and me, they sent their children to private schools. The same goes now. Obama will be sending his daughters to a private school, while bashing school choice voucher programs for everyone else. I can take a liar. I can take a crook. I have NO tolerance for hypocrisy.
So while we are told to tighten our belts, to cut back on our spending, to pay more taxes, to pay higher utility bills, to cut back our driving to save energy, to join in the sacrifice all Americans must make…the party in Washington goes on. Looks like the change we can believe in is the same song on a different day. What a shame.
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