The regulators are shutting down the moped business. The self righteous moralists, wagging their fingers at business, are destroying the hospitality business and the corporate jet business causing the loss of tens of thousands of jobs and bankruptcies. All those Vegas hotel union people that voted for Barack Obama…I hope you are happy now as business after business after business cancels their Las Vegas trips and conventions, and layoffs go through the roof as occupancy dwindles.
Barack Obama, it’s your problem now. You own it…and it is a trillion upon trillion upon trillion dollar problem.
And where is Nancy Pelosi? She and her cohorts jammed down the vote on one of the most important pieces of legislation in our history in order to meet a deadline for taxpayer paid junket to Italy. Nobody, outside of the anointed few, know what is in this bill. She would not allow it to be read prior to the vote. It was so important to pass it had to be done NOW. Of course, President Obama could wait 4 days to sign it in a photo op in Colorado. Now we are left to pay the bill and pick up the pieces when we finally figure out what is in the pastiche of legislation.
There were obvious flaws with Bush administration policies, and I have pointed them out continually. But you don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. You are now going to see trickle down poverty. This bill jettisons welfare reform instituted under Bill Clinton. It will give the average American an extra $13.00/paycheck. Even the Mexicans are headed back to Mexico, with a dramatic rise in the application for Mexican citizenship for babies born in the United States.
All those fat cats who we are now vilifying kept the economy humming. Gardeners, nannies, restaurant workers, travel agents, Boeing factory workers, actors and entertainers performing on the road and on Broadway, charitable organizations, ad infinitum, all benefit from those corporate jets, those three martini lunches, those conventions in Vegas, and extravagant spending by those corporate fat cats.
But it was done on borrowed money, you might say. It was a house of cards. What, pray tell, is the difference between what these guys did, and what the government is currently doing? Where are the grownups?
Anything worth owning is built on a firm foundation. What we have done is traded one house of cards for another. When the debt of the United States is equal to the Gross Domestic Product for a year for the entire world, you know we will not be able to service it.
The Chinese stimulus package is working. Its economy is recovering based on a stimulus package 10% the size of the Obama liberal fantasy. It was targeted on big construction projects building things they needed…not beekeeper insurance or sexually transmitted disease education.
Mr. Obama is going to learn a hard lesson in real life economics, and we will be paying the price.
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