I wish I could say that it was with mixed emotions that I watched Barack Obama speak at Notre Dame. It wasn’t. I was repulsed…for many reasons. He is a gifted orator. He has a silver tongue. It is difficult to argue with his premise that we need to set aside our differences and look for common ground. In normal circumstance I would not have a problem with that, except in some instances there is no common ground. How he defines common ground is questionable. Don’t listen to what he says. Look at what he does. It is clear that common ground to him is you agree with him, and he may allow you to express your opinion as to what you believe, if you don’t express it too much while he does exactly what he wants.
Barack Obama is the most liberal president this country has ever had. His support was rooted in radical left wing organizations like Acorn, Code Pink, and Move On.org. These organizations are the most intolerant people the nation has ever produced. They consistently disrupt any speaker who disagrees with them, including the disruption of any event or speaker on college campuses which may disagree with their political view. The disruptions at schools like Columbia University included throwing projectiles at the podium, rushing the stage, and shouting the speaker down with profanity. All of this, of course, is done with the tacit blessing of the various universities’ administrations and faculty. The tolerance afforded Barack Obama at Notre Dame would not have been available to George Bush at schools like Columbia or any of the University of California campuses. Indeed, he never would have been extended an invitation.
Barack Obama is about as pro-choice as you can get. He has taken radical positions on late term abortions while in the Illinois legislature and in the US Senate. His campaign was based on a unyielding pro-choice political position. He has expanded the use of Federal funds for abortion. He has appointed Kathleen Sebelius, a vehement pro-choicer and an active supporter of late term abortions, as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Where is the common ground?
I was in law school when Roe v. Wade became law. I supported the decision. I have come to regret that support. The older I got, the more I came to believe in the complete sanctity of life. I oppose abortion. I oppose the death penalty. There is no justification for either. The tipping point came when I saw news stories about doctors performing late term/partial birth abortions on babies that could survive outside of the mother’s womb. And it was being done under the protection of the government. This is murder no matter how you attempt to justify it. These are disgusting procedures. Barack Obama supports them. He voted to allow them.
Since Roe v. Wade there have been 40 million abortions in the United States. In the District of Columbia, one half of all pregnancies end in abortion. That is abortion as birth control. That is appalling. Is human life that cheap? Is a human life not worth the cost of a condom? Where is the benefit from all of the sex education classes in the public schools? What have we as a people degenerated into in the name of easy, unprotected sex? Where is human responsibility? How many lives are we willing to sacrifice because people can’t control themselves?
What really gets me is that many of the same people, who support late term/partial birth abortions, including Barack Obama, speak of the immorality and horror of water boarding. Excuse me? There is no moral equivalency here. Throwing some water on the face of terrorists who behead people, treat women like cattle, and kill thousands upon thousands of innocent people in terrorist activities is not immoral. Killing babies 8 ½ months into a pregnancy defines immorality. Both Obama and Notre Dame should be ashamed. Their hypocrisy is stunning.
The moral high ground belongs to those who opposed to this travesty. I will listen to Barack Obama when his actions match his words. Until then, they are just words.
Barack Obama is the most liberal president this country has ever had. His support was rooted in radical left wing organizations like Acorn, Code Pink, and Move On.org. These organizations are the most intolerant people the nation has ever produced. They consistently disrupt any speaker who disagrees with them, including the disruption of any event or speaker on college campuses which may disagree with their political view. The disruptions at schools like Columbia University included throwing projectiles at the podium, rushing the stage, and shouting the speaker down with profanity. All of this, of course, is done with the tacit blessing of the various universities’ administrations and faculty. The tolerance afforded Barack Obama at Notre Dame would not have been available to George Bush at schools like Columbia or any of the University of California campuses. Indeed, he never would have been extended an invitation.
Barack Obama is about as pro-choice as you can get. He has taken radical positions on late term abortions while in the Illinois legislature and in the US Senate. His campaign was based on a unyielding pro-choice political position. He has expanded the use of Federal funds for abortion. He has appointed Kathleen Sebelius, a vehement pro-choicer and an active supporter of late term abortions, as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Where is the common ground?
I was in law school when Roe v. Wade became law. I supported the decision. I have come to regret that support. The older I got, the more I came to believe in the complete sanctity of life. I oppose abortion. I oppose the death penalty. There is no justification for either. The tipping point came when I saw news stories about doctors performing late term/partial birth abortions on babies that could survive outside of the mother’s womb. And it was being done under the protection of the government. This is murder no matter how you attempt to justify it. These are disgusting procedures. Barack Obama supports them. He voted to allow them.
Since Roe v. Wade there have been 40 million abortions in the United States. In the District of Columbia, one half of all pregnancies end in abortion. That is abortion as birth control. That is appalling. Is human life that cheap? Is a human life not worth the cost of a condom? Where is the benefit from all of the sex education classes in the public schools? What have we as a people degenerated into in the name of easy, unprotected sex? Where is human responsibility? How many lives are we willing to sacrifice because people can’t control themselves?
What really gets me is that many of the same people, who support late term/partial birth abortions, including Barack Obama, speak of the immorality and horror of water boarding. Excuse me? There is no moral equivalency here. Throwing some water on the face of terrorists who behead people, treat women like cattle, and kill thousands upon thousands of innocent people in terrorist activities is not immoral. Killing babies 8 ½ months into a pregnancy defines immorality. Both Obama and Notre Dame should be ashamed. Their hypocrisy is stunning.
The moral high ground belongs to those who opposed to this travesty. I will listen to Barack Obama when his actions match his words. Until then, they are just words.
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