In another article, I read that the government is once again considering assistance to those who are unable to make their mortgage payments. An Obama official was quoted as saying it was reasonable for the administration to consider measures of loan forbearance.
My question is, who is there for me? My wife and I get up every morning and go to work. We have worked hard through adverse circumstances when the legal profession was so crooked locally it effectively stopped me from practicing. The corruption crossed over into the education system where my wife was accused of stealing money, threatened with job retaliation if she didn’t talk her union into certain terms the school system wanted, and then was left hanging out to dry by both the school system and her union after an illegal reduction in force. No one was there for us, and my wife had paid union dues for 20 years.
Right now the government is there for blacks. The government is there for Hispanics. The government is there for gays. The government is there for terrorists. The government is there for Muslims. When has the government done anything for me? In a word, never!
Majority rule has been taken over by a Dictatorship of the Minorities. It is getting scary. Recently, in Akron, a group of black thugs attacked a white family and seriously hurt these folks. The shouted as they beat these people up that is “a black world now!” The Akron police are investigating that this might be a “hate crime.” Do ya think? The fact that they have to even ask the question is insulting to whites. Of course it is a hate crime.
Now Judge Sotomayor is being considered for the Supreme Court. Her opinion that a Latina woman could reach a better decision than a white male is racist and insulting. Yet certain members of Congress did everything during the hearings today but clean her feet. If a white lawyer said the same thing in reverse, his/her license would be revoked and face trumped up criminal charges.
Even illegal aliens make out better, with their kids getting in-state tuition to colleges while other Americans are shut out. And of course, let’s not forget the activist women, who said they didn’t want the money going to white, male construction jobs. It didn’t, and now unemployment is pushing 10%.
The government is going to learn a hard lesson. After Jimmy Carter, the press conjured up the angry white male…blue collar Democrats who voted for Reagan. Maybe the angry white male will make a comeback. You can only soak a certain segment of society to pay for all of the rest for so long before the end of the line is finally reached. That is when the real problem will rear its ugly head.
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