All of a sudden, discussions about the nature of our federalist system are de rigueur. The wisdom of the founding fathers is being quoted. The relationship between the governed and the government is being re-examined. People are finally learning the Bill of Rights. People are examining anew just what it means to be an American. It is exciting watching the country re-energize itself and refreshing the roots of democracy and the rights of the individual.
Americans are standing up and holding public officials accountable. Town hall meetings are open season on non-responsive elected representatives. Who do they serve? The serve the American people, not their Washington political and idealogical cronies…and we are letting them know it in no uncertain terms.
The nature of different political systems is being discussed in earnest. People are learning again the definition of a republic. People are actually contemplating what they want our government to be and the role it is to play in our lives. President Obama’s flaw was that he thought he could lead the public around by the nose, in awe of his brilliance and oratorical skills. He was wrong. His view of the Constitution does not ring true with the American public. The American public understands once again that the Constitution protects the individual against an intrusive government which wants to regulate every aspect of your life, and determine for you who is to bear the fruits of your labor.
The urgency displayed by certain members of Congress to pass the radical left wing agenda "now" is rooted in their understanding of the resurgence of the individual and capitalism in this country. The left's "moment" is rooted in a fluke in the economic dialectic, but the roots are shallow. If the most radical elements of their agenda are not passed by the end of this year, they are finished! They know that America will reject their socialist agenda in favor of the sanctity and freedom of the individual in the next election. We will not trade our liberty for 30 pieces of silver.
America is slowly coming to its senses. Seniors are the first to walk away knowing a lie when they hear it. Next will be the young, who can’t find jobs and will be “ordered” by the government to purchase health care insurance or face a felony charge with a year in jail, not to mention a $1900.00 fine. That is NOT they change young folks voted for in. The suburban middle class will soon the definition of a Value Added Tax, the middle class tax hike Obama said would not happen. They will walk away. Non-union blue collar workers will fall away next, as they watch their union “brothers” reap the benefit of big government while they barely make ends meet. Self-respect will diminish as the government tries to make them wards of the state, but the government will fail. These folks are the backbone of America. They are America’s greatest blessing.
So I want to thank Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid, and Van Jones, and Reverend Wright, all of the czars, and all the rest…for reminding me, and America, of what we stand to lose if they prevail. This is a civics lesson well earned, and America is getting an A plus.