One pundit, I forget who, said it best. Obama doesn’t have a communication problem. He has a substance problem. He communicates just fine, and often. Unfortunately, he told some lies and tried to fool us. The disdain the progressive movement has demonstrated for the masses is stunning. Obama and his followers have learned a lesson. Even in Iowa, people can read. They can even read a government bill, which is apparently more that Obama and some in Congress can do.
He lied about the AARP endorsement of the plan. The AARP had to come out and correct him. He lied that it would be revenue neutral. The Congressional Budget Office had to correct him. He lied that it wouldn’t decrease benefits to seniors. They understand cuts in physician reimbursements. He fibbed about keeping your current policy. You can…but only if it doesn’t change in any way whatsoever, or your employer decides to opt out and pay the 8% penalty if it turns out to be cheaper…and it will turn out to be cheaper.! He lied about the death panels. The Army Veterans manual, which Obama reinstated, also offers end of life counseling…and asks wounded veterans if life is really worth living being sick…seriously. He lied about doctors gauging patients. He lied about the number of uncovered Americans which is closer to 15 million rather than 45 million. It does reach 45 million if you include illegal aliens, which he says it does not…unless, of course, it’s his intent to make them legal. Then he lied about that, too!
Mr. President, truth matters. And you have failed to tell the truth, and squandered the goodwill the American public was offering to you. At the end of the day, this is not about health care reform. It is about health care control. It is an ideological attempt to take health care over rooted race, class warfare, and oppressed people’s revenge.
The sad thing is that true health care reform is needed. If you had been honest about what you were proposing, a legitimate and robust health care debate could have been had on the merits. The discussion could have centered on expansion of existing programs like Medicare and Medicaid. It could have centered on insurance regulation and increased private competition. It could have centered on how to handle pre-existing conditions. The individual needs of the uninsured could have been defined, and those needs could have been met.
Finally, and most disturbing of all, can anyone please tell me how Obama could try to sell a bill he didn’t write? I am not sure he even knows what is in the House bill, and there are several House bills…and there is no Senate bill. And in the midst of all of these non-bills, he tried to set a deadline of a few weeks to transform 1/6 of the American economy? That is just plain stupid!
Here is my advice. Mr. Obama, quit giving speeches and do some work. Show some leadership, and for once in your political life, get off your ass and make a bold decision. Legislation written by Nancy Pelosi with an approval rating of 20% doesn’t cut it. It is your presidency. Take some responsibility.
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