1) Moving Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s trial to New York City is the single worst decision I have ever seen a politician make outside of issues of war. It is opposed by 65% of the population. It paints a bigger terrorist bull’s eye on NYC. The trial itself will be a circus. Obama thinks the public will be upset about President Bush’s alleged abuses. He is wrong. What the public will be upset about is Miranda rights becoming an issue for that scumbag murderer.
2) Obama’s bow to the Emperor of Japan will become the poster for any Republican candidate running against him 2012. Obama may think it is deferential and showing American respect. Dude, he is there because MacArthur needed him to help pacify Japan at the end of World War II. Otherwise, he would have been shot with the other masterminds behind the invasion of Pearl Harbor. Americans sense weakness, and so do our enemies. The mood of the country has gone beyond another apology tour.
3) The Chinese shoved it up Obama’s you know what. Perhaps he truly believes the old adage if you owe the bank $10,000.00 the bank owns you. If you owe the bank $1,000,000.00 you own the bank. They told him in no uncertain terms that they will pull the plug on the American bond purchases and our currency unless Obama gets the financial house in order. They will call in the loans!!!! They obviously got his attention. Obama told Fox News that the deficit needs to shrink or we will risk a double dip recession. Let me add to that high interest rates and high double digit unemployment.
4) And the Senate continues to move forward on the Congressional dubious health care bill. With the Congressional approval rate at 14% while it tries to pass a health care bill that frankly pisses off everybody, and will include federally funded abortion, it is clear that Obama continues to be held hostage by the far left of his party who are hell bent on self destruction. Meanwhile, unemployment continues to climb while the halls of Congress and the White House ring with ideological debate irrelevant to the American public.
The Rasmussen Poll, for a number of successive weeks, had Obama’s popularity at a -4. Today, it dropped to -14. Don’t be surprised to see it at -20 by the end of the month. Obama may be willing to fall on the sword, and the American electorate will be happy to oblige him.
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