The Kennedy's want us to find alternative sources of energy, and opposed wind farms Cape Cod. They supported school busing while sending their own children to private schools. Al Gore wants us to drive fuel efficient cars, and then flies around in fuel guzzling private jets. Barack Obama wants income redistribution, yet he and his family have traveled more in opulence in his first year in office than any other president. He has cut off school vouchers to the poor in Washington D.C., preventing other minorities from sending their children to the same school he sends his daughter. That level of hypocrisy is incomprehensible to me.
This latest flap with Harry “the war is lost” Reid is just another example. Comparisons have been made to Trent Lott from 2002 and his comments about electing segregationist Dixie-crats in the 1948 election. (1948? Puhleeze!) Lott got crucified, and the Republicans deserted him droves, while the Democrats have rallied around their own liberal racist. The Republicans should take a lesson in spin control.
I don’t know whether Harry Reid is a racist. A lawyer in my office told me Reid’s comments about the electability of light skin blacks and Negro dialects may be politically incorrect, but most likely factually correct. I am not sure that is true either. One commentator said tonight on television that the comment was more of an affront to the American electorate than to the black minority. He said that Reid’s comments reflected his belief that Americans, as a whole, were racist and would only vote for a light skinned African American…and that, my friends, is one of the basic tenets of liberalism. They are morally superior to us plain folk.
As time goes on, the race card becomes less and less valuable. Harry Reid’s comments reflect the beliefs of his generation…and of some in my generation. But to those under thirty, this probably looks like a quaint anachronism. Who uses the word “Negro” today?
As for me, I look less at what people say and more at what they do. Liberalism, in the collective, is a racist political philosophy of the worst kind. Either by accident or design, they have created a segment in our society that lives a sustenance existence based on government handouts. What some might view as compassion, might be viewed by others as the new plantation where the economically disadvantaged are used as a base for political power. Give them just enough to get their vote, and no more than is necessary. The poverty of these folks is heartbreaking. The lack of hope is downright tragic.
It reminds me of the old Billie Holiday song God Bless The Child:
Rich relations give
This latest flap with Harry “the war is lost” Reid is just another example. Comparisons have been made to Trent Lott from 2002 and his comments about electing segregationist Dixie-crats in the 1948 election. (1948? Puhleeze!) Lott got crucified, and the Republicans deserted him droves, while the Democrats have rallied around their own liberal racist. The Republicans should take a lesson in spin control.
I don’t know whether Harry Reid is a racist. A lawyer in my office told me Reid’s comments about the electability of light skin blacks and Negro dialects may be politically incorrect, but most likely factually correct. I am not sure that is true either. One commentator said tonight on television that the comment was more of an affront to the American electorate than to the black minority. He said that Reid’s comments reflected his belief that Americans, as a whole, were racist and would only vote for a light skinned African American…and that, my friends, is one of the basic tenets of liberalism. They are morally superior to us plain folk.
As time goes on, the race card becomes less and less valuable. Harry Reid’s comments reflect the beliefs of his generation…and of some in my generation. But to those under thirty, this probably looks like a quaint anachronism. Who uses the word “Negro” today?
As for me, I look less at what people say and more at what they do. Liberalism, in the collective, is a racist political philosophy of the worst kind. Either by accident or design, they have created a segment in our society that lives a sustenance existence based on government handouts. What some might view as compassion, might be viewed by others as the new plantation where the economically disadvantaged are used as a base for political power. Give them just enough to get their vote, and no more than is necessary. The poverty of these folks is heartbreaking. The lack of hope is downright tragic.
It reminds me of the old Billie Holiday song God Bless The Child:
Rich relations give
Crust of bread and such;
You can help yourself
But don't take too much.
That, my friends it true hypocrisy.
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