The article goes on to make accusations such as those opposing Obama’s agenda quietly approve of the actions of the man who flew a plane into the IRS offices in Texas. They also tacitly approve of the Oklahoma City federal building bombing. It also warned of the violent language coming from the spokespeople of the TEA party movement, as these folks are apparently ready to take up their guns and pitch forks and storm any government installation that happens to be handy. Big Sister Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has once again taken up the refrain that the biggest danger to US security is from America’s conservative right wing. Meanwhile, the jihadists are attempting to blow up airplanes filled with people and shoot up military installations as our government supplies lawyers to those that destroyed the Trade Center on 9/11.
Those espousing this point of view are right, no pun intended. Our elected government officials should be afraid. They should be afraid of an angry American electorate who was lied to in the general election by a man who promised a post partisan Washington and to govern from the center. What we got was a tone deaf left wing ideologue hell bent on shoving through his radical agenda using bribes, threats, lies, and every scummy political trick known to man. We should forget what he promised the moderate independent center of American politics in the last election, and the message those folks sent to him in Virginia, New Jersey, and especially the Massachusetts special election. Obama and his cabal have in effect flipped the bird to the American public, calling them stupid, and telling us to shut up because Holy Father Obama knows what’s best for us.
Do these folks really think outraged Americans are going to bow down to their omnipotent presence? Hell no! We are going to react in ways that will protect the rule of law, and our way of life using government as a tool when necessary, but only when necessary and as minimally as possible. We will take to the streets. We will march. We will protest. We will exercise our rights of assembly and free speech; and Obama, and Reid, and Pelosi can complain about our ignorance all they want.
Nancy Pelosi double downed on the bird flip when she told ABC News that Democratic Congressmen should ignore what the public wants and sacrifice their jobs for Obamacare. We don’t know what is good for us. She actually said that!!! She told her guys to ignore their constituents. She is willing to sacrifice the Democratic Party control of Congress in order to achieve the left wing ideological dream of socialized medicine. I think that says it all. These folks are obsessed with their agenda and drunk with power. It has taken America a year to wake up to what these folks are doing and how they are going about doing it.
The American public knows the score. It can’t be fooled anymore. And if that makes some of these left wing nut jobs fearful, then good for the American public!!!
So to Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, with all due respect to the New York Times, right back at ya!!!