And, no, I am not talking about the proverbial welfare queen. Sure, that is part of the story, and a growing part of the story. School lunch programs turned into school breakfast programs which turned into school dinner programs with students in some school districts dependent upon the school for three meals a day plus day care services pre and post school hours. Some of these even extend into the summer, making children of people already receiving public assistance dependent on the school year round for food, even past the age of 18. What does that teach that student? The government is the family bread winner. Not a good lesson!
That is the classic story. But here’s the skinny. Right now more than 53% of all Americans depend on the government for some degree of monetary support. Included in that number are government workers, social security or federal pension beneficiaries, housing subsidies, food stamps, Medicaid beneficiaries, and federal school grant programs. This number will continue to grow, perhaps approaching 60% as baby boomers age.
The problem of government dependency is a problem for all Americans, not just the poor. And it is becoming more and more institutionalized. Go down to the Department of Human Services and watch folks with no hope. It is tragic, and we did that to those people. Seniors, hoping for a good retirement on social security, are sorely disappointed when the reality of old age sets in. For many, the amount of their social security checks will barely cover the cost of their medications.
It can’t keep going this way. Government needs to change it philosophy across the board. It just isn’t a welfare question, or a social security question, it is in the total governmental approach to governing. The government should not solely be concerned with “payouts”. The government should be concerned with policies that foster economic growth, to provide the framework to allow individuals take charge of their lives. It should foster a sane trade policy that benefits the American worker. It should pursue a sane tax policy to encourage new and expanded businesses. It should teach self reliance and individual responsibility in the schools. It should teach Americans that the best the thing they can do for their country is to learn to take care of themselves.
Unless that happens, America is on a road that ends in a not so good place. We need freedom – responsibility – common sense. These are the three building blocks to a better America. Without this kind of approach, a nation founded on independence will become bogged down in dependence.
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