While the current administration pays lip service to center-right American values, look at the results rather than the rhetoric. The government owns General Motors and Chrysler. It owns Citigroup and AIG. It has begun the expressed nationalization of the health care industry. It is expanding the power of the EPA by fiat. It attempted to take over the internet. It is about to embark on a cap and trade bill based on the argument of energy independence, but rooted in a religion of global warming and extremist environmentalism. All of these things will give the government unprecedented control over every aspect of our life. And most importantly, has increased the deficit to third world country proportions and is will attempt to enact a Value Added Tax after the election in the fall.
Is this the America we want?
Granted, the financial collapse in September 2008 was dangerous and scary, and on some levels the government acted appropriately both under Bush and Obama. But Obama also used the collapse to ram through a leftist agenda, following the edict never let a good crisis go to waste.
In the 6th Congressional District, the current Congressman is millionaire and former funeral director, Charlie Wilson, whose name many of you don't know; and whose face is almost completely unknown in the northern most part of the most gerrymandered district in the country.
The Republicans are fielding six candidates in a primary. The Vindicator punted in its endorsement by endorsing Richard Stobbs of Dillonvale, Ohio. He is a great guy with some strength around the middle of the district east of Columbus, where he served as Deputy Recorder in Franklin County and former Belmont County Sheriff. But his campaign has been minimalist, although he has shown some fireworks in dealing with issues surrounding Bill Johnson.
The two front runners are from Mahoning County, Bill Johnson and Dr. Don Allen. Dr. Allen lives in the district, Mr. Johnson does not.
I support Dr. Allen. He is a 20 year veteran of the Air Force Reserves, and a long time veterinarian in the Youngstown area. Perhaps he is best known for his run for the presidency in 2008. I was concerned about that. What kind of nut is he? His response: “I knew the problems that would come with Obama, and nobody would listen. So I ran for President. What did you do?” You can’t argue with that.
For full disclosure, my son is an Allen staffer. Dr. Allen is true conservative, bordering on being a libertarian. He believes that there should be no “professional” politicians, and a strong believer in limited government. He believes everybody should pay some tax, or the system will collapse, and advocates the Fair Tax. This would lower the cost of our goods sold overseas, and provide a fair and adequate source of revenue for the government eliminating the income tax. Cost of goods would go down as the hidden cost of government taxation is eliminated…the exact opposite of the VAT Tax and the Income Tax.
He is honest and dedicated. He has been a declared candidate for the 6th District seat for a year, and has campaigned up and down the 350 mile long district along the Ohio River relentlessly. He has almost completely self funded his campaign, and banged on thousands of doors from Poland to Ironton. He is a good guy.
A word about Mr. Johnson: Mr. Johnson is a dynamic speaker, and can sell a snowball to an Eskimo. Unfortunately, that is exactly what he did. He represented himself as being a candidate in the 17th District against Tim Ryan for most of 2009 and the beginning of 2010, and raised thousands of dollars from people in the 17th district. Not only did he fool his donors, but much of the Republican establishment as to his intentions. I personally heard his pitch to a prominent local attorney, and even recommended him to this fellow member of the bar as a good guy. Federal election laws requires you to declare yourself a candidate and file election forms with the FEC if you say you are running for an office and raise in excess of $5,000.00. Mr. Johnson met the criteria, but failed to file the declaration forms as required by federal law. He continued to fool his donors. Why?
He determined that he couldn’t beat Tim Ryan, and already made up his mind to run in the 6th district. He claimed the Republican National Committee called him this past January to run in the 6th…highly unlikely. He hired himself a hot shot campaign manager from Cleveland, and in February took the money he raised in the 17th and filed in the 6th. In other words, he district shopped; except he fooled and lied to the people who gave him that money…and it was a lot of money…to run in the 17th. They have no recourse, and he has made no effort to give it back.
We don’t need another one of these opportunistic types in Washington. We have enough already. It is sad, because Mr. Johnson has some real talent. But in this election character counts!
Vote for Allen in the Republican primary on May 4th.