Everyone can agree that nuclear proliferation is a problem. But Obama thinks that nuclear proliferation is a United States problem. This guy actually believes that if the United States unilaterally disarms, the lion will lay down with the lamb and there will be peace in the world. Is he nuts? It is our strength and nuclear arsenal that has prevented nuclear disputes since the end of World War II. Sure there have been wars, but on an historical scale, they were mere skirmishes.
So now he has decreed that if a country that is in compliance with a nuclear non-proliferation requirements attacks the United States with chemical or biological weapons, we will not retaliate with nuclear weapons. Wow!!! How wonderful…for them!!! From what I have read, this has tacitly been the United States policy for many years, but to state it overtly…do you really think that will help the bad guys like us anymore? Mr. President: YOU DON’T TELL THE BAD GUYS WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO OR NOT DO!!!!!!!
Then there is the new START treaty with Russia. What a show with the Russian president. The only problem is that that Russians can back out of they don’t like what the United States is doing… for whatever reason. Now there’s a commitment.
And let’s get back to this latest Summit it Washington, touted to be the largest of this type of gathering since countries met to form the United Nations. And it accomplished…NOTHING. Oh sure, there is a nice communiqué. And Ukraine announced it will divest itself of enriched Uranium left over from the time it was part of the Soviet Union. Obama says much of it will come to the United States. Putin says it is going to Russia. Bet on Putin.
But how can you have a conference about nukes when the most overt offenders are not in attendance? Mr. President, if you are worried about Islamic extremists getting nuclear weapons….WHAT ABOUT NORTH KOREA AND IRAN??? WHERE WERE THEY??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT THEM????
I suppose Obama's thinking is to try once again to get China and Russia to go along with sanctions against Iran. This simply isn't going to happen. The only thing that will brink Iran to its knees is blockade to prevent it from receiving badly needed gasoline. And Obama will never do that. That leaves resolution to Israel, which will attempt to delay Iran getting the bomb by destroying some of its capability. That will only partially work and start an outright war in the mideast. Of course, what if North Korea already shipped a nuke to Iran? Mmmmm?
The two most dangerous and threatening countries in the world not attending this major nuclear non-proliferation conference is just a small thing. Why let Iran get in the way of a good photo-op? It is a joke. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. It would be sad if it weren’t so dangerous. Folks, we are in trouble with this guy.
The two most dangerous and threatening countries in the world not attending this major nuclear non-proliferation conference is just a small thing. Why let Iran get in the way of a good photo-op? It is a joke. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. It would be sad if it weren’t so dangerous. Folks, we are in trouble with this guy.
1 comment:
What is dangerous is misinformation like you and FOX NEWS. John Stewart gets it right on Obama not letting countries that use chemical weapons attacks off the hook: http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-april-8-2010/the-big-bang-treaty
I think they are putting some chemical that causes lies in the TEA Party tea.
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