The nation continues to spin out of control. I never thought it was possible, but right now I am living in an alternative universe where black is white, hot is cold, and the truth is lost in maze of political speak, spin, and pundits. No wonder there is such discontent in the country.
Let’s start with Michelle Obama’s to Spain. Minimally, in a time of austerity, using taxpayer dollars for an extravagant personal vacation trip taking over half of a five star resort…what are these people thinking? That is 60 – 70 rooms upwards of $2500.00/room/night plus. Some of this is being funded personally by the Obama’s, who must be doing much better than you and me; but there are always public expenses. For example: the seventy secret agents that are accompanying her. Then we she gets back…she will go to her New England vacation after going to her Florida vacation. Might I suggest a weekend here in Youngstown, Ohio. Much to do and see…and a hell of a lot cheaper than Spain! What did you say she is doing there again?
Then we have the Obama administration suing Arizona over the illegal issue. Wouldn’t it be better to help the issue rather than waste government money suing “We, the People?” Do these folks purposely want to hurt us? Congressman Pete Stark answered the question this past week. He said the federal government can do anything it wants. Really?
In the first of many court skirmishes over health care, a Federal judge in Virginia, in an exquisite and detailed opinion, said the Virginia can sue the Feds over the mandatory purchase of health care provisions in the Obamacare bill. Remember…the Obama administration told you and me that this wasn’t a tax, until they got into court. The main defense being used by the Obama administration is that the mandatory purchase provisions are a tax. There is a reason they are arguing that…they and I and just about every constitutional law scholar knows the current Supreme Court will eventually rule the mandatory purchase provision does not fall under the Commerce Clause. So the government must say it is tax. Is it…or isn’t it? Only the Shadow knows.
Racial tensions like I haven’t seen in years are boiling just under the surface. Violence is increasing. Fear is increasing. Unemployment is increasing. Businesses are refusing to expand in light of draconian government regulations. The leftists are doing what they always do, in office our out, they are suing us. Unbelievable.
But the Obama’s party on! The New York Daily News compared Michelle to Marie Antoinette. Works for me! Let them eat cake! Vive La Revolution! Wait…do they have cake in Spain?
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