For many people, the choice will be based on looking for a safe alternative. The decision will be made based on holding onto a piece of a perceived shrinking economic pie. To slow the shrinkage, these folks will look to the government to protect them. What they fail to realize, it is that very government which is now asking them to prostrate themselves before it for a few pieces of silver has no silver left to give. It has spent all that it has, and all that their children will make.
It is asking you to give up choices…choices relating to health care; choices relating to how you heat your home; choices as to the car you drive; choices as to what you eat; choices as to how you light your house; choices as to what you can put in your child’s lunch box; choices as to how much water you can use…even how you can flush your toilet. You see, the nanny state has a price for taking care of you. That price is to force you into following its vision for some unattainable utopian future. The government has taken your money. Now it wants your soul.
American self reliance has always been our strong suit. What is our self reliance worth? Barack Obama promised hope in his election. Instead, he is peddling fear. He is saying that you, as an individual, cannot make it without his benevolent help…or that of Nancy Pelosi…or that of Harry Reid. Take his hand and he will lead you…but to where? Do you want a nation of elite bureaucrats deciding every aspect of your life? That, my friends, only leads to a life of despair. There are no limits to what these government operatives will require of you for a taste of their vision of hope.
Real hope lies in the individual. It lies in freedom, common sense, and responsibility to our God, our nation, our family, and to each of one of us. Government is a false god. Thomas Jefferson said a nation is lost when it forgets that freedom comes from God. Freedom isn’t what the government allows us to have. Freedom is God given, and it is our duty to defend it from government assault.
Ronald Reagan said that government isn't the solution to the problem. Government is the problem. If you have any doubts, look around you. Are things getting better or worse? The financial meltdown was caused not by a lack of government regulation, but by a government that actually encouraged those things to happen that led to that fateful day in September in 2008. Those policies started under Jimmy Carter, and were expanded by Bill Clinton and George Bush.
And here is the dirty little secret. Those policies are still in place. None of the regulation reform instituted by Barack Obama has stopped any of the abuses that caused the problems in the first place. The same nasty practices are still going on today. And you should be afraid.
But don’t fear, you have health care…maybe. You have government regulating what you can eat. You have government regulating what you can say. You have government regulating every aspect of your life, except for the one that counts…the ability for you to go and get a job and support yourself and your family.
Wake up America. When you go to vote on Tuesday, vote for true hope and change. Vote for the candidate that will protect individualism, freedom, common sense, and personal responsibility.
God bless the United States of America.
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