The Occupy Wall Street “movement” has been front and center in the media. After watching it for awhile, the only conclusion that can be reached is that it is not the grass roots spontaneous populist uprising the news dudes want to portray. Drooling news commentators like Anderson Cooper and his associates at CNN are harboring memories of the 1960’s. Oh how wonderful. Nancy Pelosi was positively orgasmic as she nominated these folks for sainthood. But they are wrong, and they know it.
Start with the premise that Barack Obama was a community organizer. If you ever wondered what a community organizer did, look at the Occupy Wall Street crowd. That’s what community organizers do. Is Barack Obama behind this thing? Maybe! Are his campaign people and Acorn crowd behind this? Probably! These guys can organize a crowd with a tweet or an email. The demonstrators will show up at the drop of a hat. All you have to do is tell them where and when.
Unfortunately, the Democratic left has a problem. In addition to Nancy Pelosi and GE’s Jeff Imelt embracing these folks, so has the Communist Party and the Nazi’s. The intolerance of the left is rearing its ugly head in some of the most anti-Semitic rhetoric I have heard in a long time. Blaming Wall Street has become equated with blaming the Jewish bankers. One employee of the Los Angeles school system got on television and said the Zionist Jews need to be run out of the country. The signs are rampant at the demonstrations.
Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid called the Tea Party racist without one shred of evidence. They stated that they must be racist because the Tea Party wanted smaller government and a balanced budget. Now the darling of the Tea Party is Herman Cain, a conservative black entrepreneur. What is the solution to this progressive dilemma? Call Herman Cain racist. One commentator stated that racism is never stronger than when it comes from a black man. Really?
The press has ignored the racist, bigoted, and violent commentary coming out of the Occupy Wall Street folks. Beheading the bankers is my favorite. The press is also ignoring that funding for these activities is coming from every union between the AFL-CIO and the SEIU. That's certainly not spontaneous.
It’s called feeding the mob. It’s dangerous. Killing the Jewish bankers and businessmen is a familiar refrain…in Weimer Germany and early 20th century Russia. This is bad stuff. The press can play the populist spontaneity angle all they want, but I know intolerant leftist violent bigots when I see them.
Is it representative of all the people marching in the streets? Of course not. Many of these folks have legitimate complaints. Many mirror the opinions of the Tea Party. But when the left starts to march, watch out. Feeding the mob is dangerous. Community Organizers may think they know how to strike a delicate balance between legitimacy and lunacy, but then again.....
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