Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Case for Chris Christie

Charles Krauthammer made some interesting observations about the upcoming presidential election and the state of the Republican nomination process. He said on Fox News that the polls tell the story. Republicans shouldn’t take for granted that Obama can be beat next fall. He pointed out that while Obama loses to a generic Republican by at least 7 – 10 points, he is even or beats Gingrich and/or Romney in a head to head matchup. He concluded that if the election was going to be a simple referendum on Obama, everything would be fine. But Obama will demonize whoever runs against him, and a “strong” conservative candidate with baggage will have a tough time beating him. He supports a candidate that would best match the “generic Republican.”  That would be Mitt Romney.

Major uber conservative pundits like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have the opposite view. They advocate for a strong conservative candidate believing that the message will ultimately ring true with the electorate…and point to Ronald Reagan as the example. But are they right if the candidate is Newt Gingrich? Although Newt is this writer’s personal favorite, I also have issues with his electability. And in this election, the most important since 1860, there is NOTHING more important than beating Barack Obama.

So what are we to do? I have written, and still believe, that the Republicans are headed towards a brokered convention. Romney is to “white bread”. He is boring. He would make an excellent President. Following Krauthammer’s theory, he is the perfect candidate. The election would be about Obama with Romney the safe generic alternative. He even looks the part. Call central casting for a President, they will send you Mitt Romney.

But there is an alternative, and I think his candidacy become ever so slightly more plausible every day. Chris Christie has been in the news a lot the past few weeks. He has endorsed Mitt Romney. He has made several public statements regarding Romney and Obama, and even visited Iowa to drum up support for….Romney?

The fact is that the Republicans are looking at two candidates they really don't like. Romney will never cut it with the Evangelicals, and I don’t care what the pundits say. They question isn't will they vote for Obama...of course they won't.  The question is will they turn out for Romney.  Word to the wise, local evangelical churches are giving sermons that Mormanism is a cult.  That is a bad sign.

Gingrich is three times married and has converted to Catholicism the third time around. He worked as a consultant for Freddie Mac and has pocketed $1.5 million from one of the two agencies that were the root cause of the financial meltdown in 2008…just prior to 2008. Yes, you can raise your eyebrows. And now he has Republicans speaking out against him criticizing his leadership skills, threatening to mount 3rd party campaigns if he is the Republican nominee. Let’s face it. That dog won't hunt.

It is clear to me that no candidate is going to into the Republican convention late summer with a lock on the nomination. And the divides will be tough to bridge because there is no ideal candidate in this years bouquet of candidates. Couple that with the threat of a third party run from Ron Paul or Jon Huntsman, the Republicans are going to be looking for a compromise.

And that compromise will be Chris Christie. His politics are moderate like Romney's. His demeanor is tough and abrasive like Gingrich. He is someone that can rally Republicans behind him if not on political positions, then style. He appeals to those who just want to get Obama out of the White House and get someone in there who can clean this mess up.

And Christie has shown in New Jersey he has the ability to “clean the mess up.” A Christie/Rubio ticket would be unbeatable. And the threat of such a ticket may even force Obama not to seek a second term. Christie has paid lip service to not wanting to run, and has dutifully aligned himself with Romney who shares Christie’s political views. But he is out on the trail hammering Obama in a style that conservatives love.

Republicans need to take a second look, and save the party from a Gingrich crash and burn and a Romney milk and cookie fest. Republicans, and the country, deserve better than Krauthammer’s generic Republican candidate. Christie's the one.

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