So here is this sanctimonious law student, going to school on somebody else’s dime, receiving a grant for living expenses, and whining that she doesn’t want to have to pay for birth control. On top of everything else, the news commentator tonight pronounced her name as if it rhymed with “duck”. You can’t make this stuff up.
Rush Limbaugh analyzed this situation on the radio, and came to the same conclusion as me. He called this woman a slut. By definition, asking people for money for sex makes you a slut, or a whore, or a prostitute. His comments caused quite an uproar, and he has since apologized for them unlike his liberal equivilents who used much worse names to describe Sarah and Bristol Palin as well as other conservative Republican women. Then there is Bill Maher repeatedly calling George Bush a "douche bag."
Of course, I was attacked at a meeting by a prominent local Democratic lawyer who looked at me across a conference table and announced to every one sitting there that my political party hates sex. I replied “Counselor, Republicans love sex. We just think you should pay for your own sex, not us. I suggest you buy a condom. They cost fifty cents.” And I suggest that Ms. Fluke buy a condom, or learn the rhythm method since she is attending a pricey Catholic School, or just refrain if she is so broke. I know it’s difficult. But she can do it.
Obama has once again shown the progressive view: to hell with tomorrow, if it feels good, do it today. What we end up with, contraception notwithstanding since it is widely available for free anyway to those who can’t afford it, is a bunch of people procreating like rabbits with no eye to any responsibility. How have we reached this point?
Piers Morgan on CNN was appropriately incensed at Rush Limbaugh’s comments. Morgan opined that if Ms. Fluke wants to have sex, it’s her business. He is right. It is her business. Not mine. But if I am paying for it through insurance premiums, then it becomes my business. Government has mandated it, and now it is subject to government control and scrutiny. You know...we the people...want to know about Ms. Fluke's sex life.
The Progressives have miscalculated on this one. First, the United States Supreme Court does not live in a bubble and is seeing firsthand the practical consequences of Obamacare vis-a-vis individuals and religion, right before it hears arguments on Obamacare’s constitutionality. Second, the American public isn’t stupid. How we survived paying for our own birth control all of these years is beyond me. The public will tell the pollsters politically correct answers pollsters want to hear; but around the water cooler, the kitchen table, and the voting booth, in their heart of hearts, people see this for what it is.
As for Ms. Fluke, my advice to you is to not discuss your sex life in front of Congress on national television. You may be a very nice person, but asking someone else to pay for your birth control makes you look like…well…A Fluke by any other name is still a Fluke.
A final word about the harrang surrounding Rush Limbaugh. Nothing is more hypocritical than a liberal. Do you remember what they called Sarah Palin? Do remember how they savaged her daughter? Do you remember what they did to Christine O'Donnell who ran for Senator from Delaware? Do you remember what they did to ALL of the women who were accosted by Bill Clinton? While anything coming from the mouth of Bill Maher, no matter how vile or disgusting, is perfectly fine. Rush had no business apologizing. Liberal commentators and sponsors, clean your own house first.
A final word about the harrang surrounding Rush Limbaugh. Nothing is more hypocritical than a liberal. Do you remember what they called Sarah Palin? Do remember how they savaged her daughter? Do you remember what they did to Christine O'Donnell who ran for Senator from Delaware? Do you remember what they did to ALL of the women who were accosted by Bill Clinton? While anything coming from the mouth of Bill Maher, no matter how vile or disgusting, is perfectly fine. Rush had no business apologizing. Liberal commentators and sponsors, clean your own house first.
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