Even the Democrats have been upset with the continual string of national security leaks from the White House. Starting with the unprecedented access to heretofore “classified” security rooms to classified documents to various governmental officials, Barack Obama’s people have done their best to portray the President as tough on foreign policy. He even has baseball cards with pictures of terrorists on them that he shuffles through looking for his next drone victim. Wow!!!
We all know President Obama got bin Laden. The problem is he just won’t let it go. Betting that an aggressive stance on terrorists would appease the independents, the Nobel Peace Prize winner has managed to piss off everybody. He has lost the left with his Afghanistan and predator drone policy. He has added leftist insult to injury by keeping Guantanamo open and actually pursuing the trials originally initiated under Bush in military tribunals.
But more damaging to the vast majority of Americans is his apparent willingness to compromise our national security in the name of political expediency. What is he doing? He said it was offensive that people would believe “my White House” would leak classified information for political purposes. Let’s see. It went to the New York Times, his most ardent of ardent press supporters. The New York Times quoted “high administration officials” over and over again as source material. Some of the information leaked would only be known by a select few of his advisers. Hello!!! Do you really believe that Obama did not know this was going on? I would almost feel better knowing that he did because at least incompetence wouldn’t be playing into the mix.
We don’t really need to know about the computer virus that was used to sabotage Iranian computers. We don’t really need to know about how he decides which terrorist he wants to kill next. We don’t really know about his secret sources that helped in killing bin Laden.
Americans shouldn’t be surprised that this type of problem would emanate from the top in this progressive White House. The people running the show are the progeny of the 1960’s radicals who despised all things military and covert. They hate the FBI. They hate the CIA. These are the institutions that are anathema to leftist causes and subversion. These are the entities these folks wanted to blow up and destroy…and now they are in charge. It’s hard to keep secrets when you don’t think much of what these organizations do in the first place.
This is scary stuff. Starting with Wiki Leaks, we have had a steady stream of government secrets disclosed to the public. Now Eric Holder has appointed two justice department lawyers to figure out who did what. Here’s a plan: ask the New York Times.
Eric Holder is the single worst and corrupt Attorney General since John Mitchell. He is going to run the investigation? Here’s the deal. When historians look at this period of history…if we are still around in fifty years…the conclusion they will draw is that Barack Obama is not the reincarnation of Jimmy Carter. He is the Democrat’s Richard Nixon, who also felt compelled to use the power of the office to enhance his political agenda.
Barack Obama is nothing if not an ideologue. That is his being and what makes him tick. Slowly, but surely, the American public is waking up to what this man stands for…and what he is doing to our national security in the name of his progressive agenda.
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