Thursday, August 2, 2012

Does Harry Reid Beat His Wife?

The question I have is what do Obama and crew see in the polls that they are willing to throw Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid under the bus? The weasel eyed Senator from Nevada stood at the Senate podium and accused Mitt Romney of not paying taxes for the past 10 years. He claimed he has the information from an impeccable unnamed source that, of course, will continue to be unnamed. He further said that Romney used tax avoidance measures in his tax returns. Of course, Mr. Reid has never released his tax returns…and just for the record….those tax avoidance measures were put into the tax code by….let’s see….YOU, Senator Reid.  And by the way....when did you stop beating your wife?

Even Anderson Cooper looked stunned tonight. His knight in shiny armor finally fell off the horse. In an interview with Democratic Party activist Paul Begala, Cooper actually started to laugh at Begala’s feeble attempt to justify Reid’s actions. How do you defend the indefensible?

Don’t think for a minute that Reid has gone off on this tangent on his own. There is no way in hell he would do this without the imprimatur of the White House. More than claiming Ann Romney is not a true woman because she never worked. More than claiming Romney is dirty because he worked hard and was successful. More than claiming Ann Romney wore $900.00 blouses which couldn’t touch Michele Obama’s $4000.00 jacket. More than demonizing Ann Romney for owning a horse. This is almost laughable, but absolutely indicative of a failed progressive presidency as the country slowly falls back into recession. At least it keeps the spike in gasoline prices this past week off of the lead story on the evening news.

The good news is I think the American public, at least the part that is paying attention, will see this for what it is. The only issue in this election is the economy, and things aren’t good. Manufacturing is slowing down. Car sales are slipping. Unemployment is creeping back up. And if gasoline prices go any higher, the economy will grind to a halt.

President Obama is a true believer in his uber Keynesian economic philosophy. Unfortunately it has a strong dose of class envy and hatred mixed in with an eye to punishing people for success. After all, they didn’t build that. Obama was swept into office on the back of an economic collapse and a belief in the inherent goodness of the man and the essential honesty of his hope and change message. What we got was the most partisan president in American history. We got a man who combined environmental extremism with crony capitalism. We got a man who left the details to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid while he jumped into racially charged situations that backfired in his face. We got a man preaching a civil tone while stoking the fuel of class, sex, and minority warfare. And we got a man who just doesn’t understand how business works. How could he? He is an academic who lived a golden and charmed life.

So, Mr. Reid, when you release your taxes showing that your didn’t take advantage of the tax avoidance provisions that you and your congress put into the IRS code….then I will listen to your BS. Meantime, sit down and shut the hell up.

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