America is on the brink. It is becoming clearer that each day the precipice is getting closer. Americans are blissfully ignoring the warning signs which are everywhere. It’s not just the fiscal cliff as is popularly described by media pundits. The canyon we are approaching is much deeper and onerous than anyone understands. Sooner or later the credit card has to be paid.
Figures released today show that Barack Obama has incurred more debt than all of the other American presidents combined. The trillion dollar figures are staggering. And he wants to spend MORE!!! The American people are looking the other way, distracted by everything but what counts. Danger is knocking on the door. Americans and the press are fiddling while Rome burns.
What part of $17 trillion in debt doesn’t America understand? All of it!! This is not a joke. It will go away. It will work itself out.The debt to GDP ratio is at the tipping point. We are rapidly becoming Greece and anyone that feigns to point out the danger is destroyed by a rabid press blinded by a messianic President. Here is the dirty secret. You don’t have to be smart to spend money. This president has always been on the receiving end of government money…never on the paying end. To him, America is a bottomless well of milk and honey; and those that generate the milk and honey are the enemy. That is not a good combination.
Sooner or later the debt is going to have to be repaid. His regulation nation and ideologically driven tax policy rooted in nothing substantive will prevent the nation from “growing” out of the debt. Not this time. Paul Krugman, Obama’s economic guru, says worrying about the debt is pointless. The debt is irrelevant. The debt doesn’t matter. Here is a guy that has won all sorts of prizes for excellence in economics…and his reasoning behind his statements? The government can print the money to pay the debt off.
Mr. Krugman is right. Print the money to pay the debt you don’t have to worry about taxes...just hyper-inflation which is the cruelest tax of all. You can keep your money. It just won't be worth anything.
While Obama is worried about taxes paid by the top 2% of taxpayers in an ideological tug of war, the amount of money he would collect wouldn’t pay the national debt for more than a week. What do you do with the other 358 days a year? And that doesn’t even touch the issue of Obamacare. The economic consequences of Obama’s utopian dream are enough to sink the economy. While it was passed under the guise of saving the country a trillion dollars, new studies released this past week are now showing it will cost the country an additional $12 trillion. Where is that supposed to come from?
The most important question: why is Obama doing this? His economic advisers have deserted him for all intents and purposes. The few that are left are almost laughable. Obama has bamboozled the public into thinking that entire economy is in trouble because of rich Republicans. And he keeps spending and spending and spending and spending some more. Today he called the MSNBC progressive commentators to the White House today to discuss tax policy. He called in left wing media pundits...Rachel Madow leading the discuss tax policy. That's who is giving him advice.
Look into Obama’s eyes and you will see why he doing this. Look into his eyes when he makes one of his few public appearances for interviews or questions and you will see something you won’t like. He is not a nice man. He is not a good man. He is a manipulator driven by an ideology of hate and revenge. That is what he said in the few candid moments of his campaign. His motives are out there in full view for America to see.
We will wake up sooner or later. I hope it's not too late.
Maybe Betras should read this
Betras should read this while standing in line at micky dees dollar menu
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