Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Wages of Appeasement...

The wages of appeasement are death.  The events of this past week in Boston are another example of America’s weakness.  Midst the media platitudes and purple prose the true lessons are lost.  Peace through strength is the only path.  In a world filled with evil, the answer to “Can’t we all just get along?” is no.  Until we realize that, things will just keep getting worse.

America has lost its way.  Words of community and forgiveness make for good sound bites on television but accomplish nothing.  It took hours before the government could even bring itself to say the word terrorism because they “didn’t know yet.”  The people that did this set of a bomb and killed and maimed a bunch of folks watching the finish of an iconic marathon.  What else would one call it?

The Mayor of Boston then goes on television and says we shouldn’t treat certain groups certain ways.  What groups and what ways?  The first reaction of the President was to say it was a “tax day” event.  That doesn’t surprise me.  And it very well might be….but minimally it shows his ideological bent.  Do you think for one minute Janet Napolitano and Homeland Security have purchased 20 years worth of bullets and armored vehicles because of Al Qaeda? 

Since the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima America has lost its sense of power and strength.  Through both Republican and Democratic presidents we have appeased and appeased and appeased.  It took Ronald Reagan to outsmart the Soviet Union making them think he was nutty enough to blow them up and rich enough to build the Star Wars missile defense system.  They bought it and backed down because they perceived America to be dangerous. How does the world perceive America today? 

And it’s not just Barack Obama.  Jimmy Carter should have settled the Iran issue then and there.  Look at what we are dealing with today.  When North Korea hijacked our ship or shot the plane out of the air or killed some South Koreans…did we fight them?  No…we gave them money to build an atom bomb.  We invaded Iraq twice…and left without one drop of oil.  Why?  Because of some cockamamie idealized vision of America’s virtue?  Screw that.  How many people have to die? How many times do we have to invade.  Never fight for the same real estate twice.  We will end up doing it three times. 

Now we are in Afghanistan fighting a war with rules of engagement that spells out we lose by definition.  We are going to pull out of there next.  Why?  How many times do we have to go over there?

President Obama came with an idealistic vision.  If we become less dependent on foreign oil, we can walk away from the Mideast mess.  Looks good on paper, but he burdened that vision with his environmental whacky ideas.  And then he said the war on terror was over.   I guess not.

The primary job of government is to keep us safe.  It can’t be done looking through rose colored glasses.  Domestic or foreign, left or right, you have to call a terrorist a terrorist.  You have to call an illegal immigrant an illegal immigrant…not an undocumented person.  You have to call extreme Islamists what they are….Islamists.  No more political correctness.  No more appeasing.

Sooner or later we are going to have to fight Iran and/or North Korea.  It is inevitable.  Sooner or later we are going to have to confront domestic terror whether it is from within or without.  Sooner or later we are going to have to settle the Israeli question.  And when those things happen, it isn’t going to be pretty. 
Wake up, America.  Life isn’t a video game.  Like I said…the wages of appeasement are death. 

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