Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Now it’s time to say what needs to be said.  Barack Obama is the worst president in my lifetime, and I suspect in the history of the Republic.  This man has systematically set out to destroy the country and he is succeeding.  He has destroyed any semblance of rule of law.  He has destroyed the Constitution as Americans, and a compliant press, have sat idly by…secure in their own pomposity…watching it happen bit by bit.   Obama and his compatriot Eric Holder have managed to do the impossible.  Their lies and their antics have made Richard Nixon, Spiro Agnew, and John Mitchell look like babes in the woods.  The President and the Attorney General should be ashamed.  They’re not.  They are enjoying it.

Under his watch, spying on Americans has reached Orwellian proportions.  Every single thing you do, right down to each key stroke on the computer, is watched by the government.  Corporations send out privacy notices relating to bank accounts and credit cards; hospitals put on a big show with HIPPA.  The reality is you have no privacy.  The revelations today that all the government needs is an email address and they know what you are thinking is frightening…and yet we passively shrug our shoulders.  Sooner or later, the government will use this information against us.  Read your history.  Obama was supposed to be our protector against this type of activity.  He is the worst offender.

The Department of Justice has thrown rule of law out the window replacing it with crony justice.  There are so many incidents that you can’t begin to list them.  There is no excuse for government behavior during the Trayvon Martin trial.  There is no excuse for end running the Supreme Court’s decision on voter rights laws going after Texas.  There is no excuse for not prosecuting Black Panther thugs in front of polling places.  There is no excuse for lying to a judge about a journalist being a criminal suspect in an affidavit for a search warrant.  There is no excuse for stone walling gun running in Fast and Furious.   There is no excuse or justification for using the IRS as a political weapon. 

Eric Holder should have been fired years ago.  He never should have been appointed in the first place after facilitating the re-entry into the country of one of this nation’s biggest tax cheats in exchange for a political contribution to Bill Clinton.  That is the kind of man he is.  He is a thug and a liar.  He has destroyed respect for the law in America.

Then there is American foreign policy which can be summed up in one word: Benghazi.  The revelation today that CNN found one of the perpetrators and interviewed him as our government sat idly by is beyond comprehension.   These people attacked our embassy and killed our ambassador and three other Americans.  All we have gotten is stonewalling.  When asked about it today, Press Secretary Jay Carney told the reporter to call the FBI.  That is contemptible.  What are they hiding?  The only person who has gone to jail is the poor guy who made a two bit video that was insulting to Muslims.  And he had nothing to do with it.

The press continues to be complicit in the cover-up.  First it was to protect Obama.  Now it is to protect Hillary Clinton.  You know…the one asked who should answer the phone at 2 in the morning!!!  Hopefully it won’t be her.

Meanwhile, the economy is growing at a whopping 1.7%!!!  And that was considered good news.  What they are not telling you is that the government had to go back to 1929 to recalculate GDP growth for the last 80 some years to achieve that 1.7% growth.  Obama has accumulated more debt that all of the other presidents put together.  But don’t worry.  He has fixed health care.  Well…sort of…maybe they will put off full implementation another year.  But who cares, we are now a nation of part time jobs. But don’t worry, he is addressing the energy problem.  Maybe the bankruptcy court will give back to the government some of the billions that have gone down the toilet with Obama's green energy start-up companies (run by his campaign contributors).  I know...then he can give the money to Detroit!!!!

Take out the African American support for him based mostly on his race, and Obama’s approval rating would be about 30%.   That is pitiful; but definitely earned.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.  But this has been a dirty and rotten and corrupt presidency…to the core.  I’m not so sure America has it in her to reach the end of the tunnel.  Houston, we have a problem.

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