Hillary Clinton has earned and should be the Democratic nominee for president. While Barack Obama is an attractive individual, he has a messianic quality about him that is disturbing. The press loved the idea of a female presidential candidate, but an ultra-left black man trumps the woman in the liberal press every time. They have given Obama a complete pass on anything and everything, refusing to ask or report on anything, and I mean anything, substantive in nature. Bottom line, he is an inexperienced, European style left wing socialist. He makes George McGovern look conservative. The few answers he has given on foreign policy show a naiveté that is dangerous. Bomb Pakistan? If we are attacked in 9/11 fashion again, he would “talk” to those who attacked us? His economic policies are unworkable. If he does what he says he is going to do, I will quit work and join the gravy train myself because I am sure not paying for it. The press owes it to the public to thoroughly and properly examine this guy. When the pretty words are dusted away, you won’t like what you see.
Hillary, on the other hand, has more experience than I would care to admit. I think it would be safe to say that she actively participated in her husband’s administration. She is shrewd, crafty, Machiavellian, and smart. I am assuming that she was privy to some if not all of the daily national security briefings her husband received while in office, and has a realistic understanding of how dangerous it is out there. The press claims there is no difference between her and Obama. That isn’t the case. She will govern from the center like her husband, which is why she is having such a hard time in the primary. Her true beliefs probably put her closer to McCain than Obama.
Obama has mesmerized the Democratic base. The press is positively orgasmic over him. Wolfe Blitzer’s eyes will pop out if they bulge anymore while reporting on him. Obama is bad for the country, and ultimately, will be bad for Democratic Party. He risks a McGovern style defeat in the fall once he is pinned down on issues. If elected, the public will get a belly full real fast, and his presidency will herald in the death of liberalism for another 25 years, just as happened after Jimmy Carter. The “hope” and “change” train will leave this country and its foreign policy at the station, and us holding the baggage.
The public has little understanding just how bad things were in the Probate Court under Timothy Maloney. His rules of court were volumes long and took a year to write. Many lawyers simply refused to practice in his court. Many financial institutions also hesitated before involving themselves in probate matters. It was the worst case of form over substance I have ever seen, and hope I will never see again. He turned it into his own, personal fiefdom.
The current sitting probate judge, Mark Belinky, was appointed by Ted Strickland after Maloney’s difficult resignation. You can argue with the process. You can argue with the appointment itself. What you can’t argue with is that Judge Belinky, in a very short period of time, has turned the Probate Court around, and has modified its rules down to 16 pages to be in line with every other Ohio Probate Court. He has an open door policy, and has given every indication that he understands that the Probate Court is a service oriented court, there to serve the public rather than the other way around. He has been a breath of fresh air.
Judge Jim Lanzo is a good lawyer, and a fine Struthers Municipal Court judge. He has a large following in Struthers, Poland and Lowellville, the areas he serves. Attorney Susan Maruca is also a fine lawyer with a good reputation. Did I say they are both fine individuals?
But I am not ready to trade in a capable known entity that has done a remarkable job in a short period of time for something unknown. Judge Belinky has done a good job, has a good judicial temperament, has changed the attitude of the clerks and the magistrates, and treated the lawyers, and most importantly, their clients with respect. It is good to have the Probate Court back. Of the three candidates for this seat, only Judge Belinky has been rated as "extremely qualified" by the Mahoning County Bar Association. I concur.Judge Belinky should be retained.
Not even close folks. Prosecutor Gains has done an outstanding job in representing and protecting the citizens of Mahoning County. He has excelled not only in the criminal area, but in the civil area as well. Whether one agrees with him or not, he has shown he is adept in dealing with local governmental infighting, and has made principled decisions on how various issues should be handled between feuding government factions. He has restored and maintained.dignity and confidence in the Prosecutor’s office. I don’t know why Heidi Hanni is running, but her candidacy should not be considered seriously. Paul Gains should be retained.
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