The country certainly is in an economic quagmire. Economic upheaval is around us as old line industries collapse while technology companies are the cusp of another massive revival. The collapse of the Detroit, not the American, auto industry is having grave consequences for the entire Great Lakes region. Jobs being lost mean economic upheaval as factories shut down, and populations shift. It is painful. It is scary. And the government should be doing everything possible to assist those folks who have lost their jobs to feed their families, train for new jobs, and to move if necessary. What the government should not do is throw the foundation upon which this country has thrived out the window in the name of political expediency.
President Obama, in the name of saving jobs, has engineered the takeover of General Motors and Chrysler by the UAW and the Federal Government. It has done so with NO AUTHORIZATION OR AUTHORITY FROM CONGRESS OR ANY CONSTITUTIONAL BASIS. You have just witnessed a strong arm government muscle property rights away from private citizens by pure thuggery. Even the US Supreme Court has rolled over for what King Obama. There is no oversight. There is no checks and balances. He has acted as any dictator in a banana republic would act. Our system has collapsed.
Do you feel any different? Probably not. Do you see any difference in your daily life? Probably not. You will, though. You will wake up one morning when the government comes banging on your door to take what it thinks you shouldn't have. Private property as understood by this nation for over 200 years has been destroyed by fiat of an American dictator. Every check and balance to prevent this has failed.
From my days in high school, I have always believed that the danger to our democracy would come from the left rather than the right wing of he political spectrum. It is insidious, and creeps up when you aren't looking.
In the process of engineering his socialist coup, Obama has installed a complete shadow cabinet void of any and all congressional oversight. While the legislature confirms his official cabinet, Obama has developed a complete entity under the executive branch where the true power lies. The person in charge of the stolen auto industry, the car czar, is a 31 year old political hack with no business experience let alone car experience. Then there is the health care czar, and the newly appointed pay czar, who will regulate what TARP companies can pay their executives, and coming soon, what you are allowed to make.
All the while, the media has completely failed in challenging this economic system restructuring unprecedented in American history, and the complete neutering of the legislative branch in favor a centralized executive with unlimited and unchecked power.
In the meantime, Rule of Law is being trampled on. Who, in their right mine, would loan the "new" Chrysler and General Motors a dime knowing that Obama and his thugs are lurking in the wings to change the rules of the game if things don't go the way Obama wants. And one day soon, all of this will effect you. Right now, bonds and priorities and percentage ownerships sounds foreign. But the goal of these folks is power and control to force on you their vision of utopia. BECAUSE IF HE CAN DO IT TO THEM, HE CAN DO IT TO YOU... AND HE WILL!!!
If the Rule of Law is displaced by empathy or political expediency or ideology or just plain arrogance of a power hungry president, we are finished as a nation. While we are attempting to jump start credit, we are undermining the very foundation on which credit is built, reliance on the Rule of Law. Short term pain is better than long term disaster.
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