The stock market has been behaving, more or less. It is up from its March low approximately 30%. That’s great if you bought in March. On the other hand, if you bought a year ago, you are still a hurting puppy. The stock market always recovers before the economy. It did to a point, but has since leveled off. I think that is exactly what is going to happen in the economy. It will recover to a point, then level off.
Those hoping for a return of the boom boom days of Dow 14,000 may have to wait for a long time. That economy was driven by two things: 1) a rapid increase in productivity due to the computerization of our society; and 2) abnormally low interest rates implemented after 9/11, to which we and the Federal Reserve became addicted. The Fed increased the money supply and lowered rates, the government actually was running a surplus in 1999, and inflation was held in check by the rapid increase in productivity. Add to the mix an influx of cheaply made foreign goods and banking deregulation, it was goldilocks all the way.
Those days are long gone. The Fed has lowered interest rates again to almost zero, but corporate bond and mortgage interest rates have acted contra to the Fed’s wishes and have begun to move up. This is a result of the massive borrowing by the Obama administration. You see, government competes with business when borrowing money. If the Feds borrow all of the money, business is going to have to pay substantially higher rates to borrow whatever is left. It is the law of supply and demand.
Simultaneously, commodities and precious metals have begun to rise in price. This is not demand related, but rather related to anticipation of the coming inflation. Somehow, the government is going to have to pay back all of the money it has borrowed. It can do it two ways: it can increase taxes on business activity which will be stymied already by higher interest rates, or it can print money. Most likely, it will be some combination of the two. Either way, it spells bad news for us. Rising commodity prices in the face of no increased demand is a green shoot for inflation. Our currency has begun to be devalued.
Although the government reports that inflation is not a problem right now, and that in fact inflation is down, a trip to the grocery store will tell you the truth about what is going on. Things are going up in price, and rapidly. The inflation figures provided by the government heavily weigh the cost of housing, which right now is down and falling. The government figures need a good dose of reality.
Obama based pundits say the Federal Reserve has a handle on things, and this time it will be different. When you hear this time is different…run for the hills. IT IS NEVER DIFFERENT. This is not rocket science. It is the first day of Economics 101. Excessive government borrowing coupled with a massive increase in the money supply equals higher interest rates and inflation. I repeat, IT IS NEVER DIFFERENT.
The coup de grace killing the economy recovery would be Obama’s cap and trade bill. This bill would limit so called carbon emissions from everything we do…from raising cows to lawn mowers to heating our homes and making goods in our factories. China and India and Russia have refused to even consider similar measures, and China is the biggest carbon emissions country in the world.
Obama doesn’t care. His ideology requires he pound his fist on the phony concept of global warming. Here the rules are very simple. If a company can build a factory and worry about cap and trade, and build a factory in China and not worry about cap and trade, where do you think it will go?
This is disturbing stuff. I know there are green shoots. I just don’t know of what!!!
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