Folks participating in these “collaboratives” played fast and loose with tax and campaign finance laws, posing as 501-C-3 tax exempt corporations, taking in government and foundation money, as well as tax exempt contributions from individuals, under the guise of “community activism” or “community development’. In reality, these organizations were left wing political groups whose activities were so strewn out, and money so well hidden, the true nature of their political activities was hard to detect.
The Mahoning Valley has its own version of this type of organization. The Mahoning Valley Organizing Collaborative was founded in 2008, and is funded primarily by the Wean Foundation to the tune of approximately $1.5 million over the past 3 years. On the surface, it looks like a fine organization dedicated to valley redevelopment. But an examination of its constituent parts makes it clear that its agenda is political, and is right now serving as an umbrella organization for every social agency and left wing group in our area. It has affiliated itself with left wing politicians, and organized marches to thank Congressman Tim Ryan for voting for health care reform…among its many other overt political acts...subsidized by the taxpayers. It is currently attempting to expand into Cleveland and Pittsburgh, and continues to get good local press.
In the spring of 2009, as the health care debate was heating up, grass roots conservative political organizations, such as the Tea Parties, sprang up spontaneously as the Barack Obama attempted to take over huge portions of our society, and to move the United States towards Democratic Socialism. His agenda was clear…and his thug tactics to pass an unwanted health care reform act pulled the veil away of any ruse he had of being a centrist. Thug politics is now the rule in the White House as evidenced by the GM takeover, attempts to takeover the internet access, the takeover of student loan administration, the illegal immigrant debacle, and the handling of the BP oil spill.
While the Tea Parties were villified in the press, numerous other conservative groups began to coalesce, including book clubs, discussion groups, folks from service organizations and churches, and small business folks. Over the course of the months, these groups have started to interact, and recognize that although we each have different goals and ideas, we all have a firm belief in freedom, the sanctity of our Constitution, personal responsibility for our actions, American exceptionalism, and limited government.
Western Reserve America represents a coming together of these groups under one umbrella to achieve a common purpose: taking America back and the re-establishment of conservative principles into American life, including our schools and national media.
Each of the participants brings something to the WRAG table, whether it is political rally skills, intellectual discussion and opinion, networking skills, educational and organizing skills, or just plain hard work. Diverse members of the conservative community can now talk to each other, interact and get to know each other, learn what each of us is doing, and discover what left wing collaborative have known for years: strength is in knowledge and numbers.
Western Reserve America is the end result of the hard work of many people. It is still morphing as it establishes not only its political agenda, but a community action agenda to teach people to take back control of their lives, and an education agenda to promote conservative values in our young people.
We hope you visit our site often. We will do our part to keep you informed. God bless America.
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