People have criticized Presidents who have governed by polls, and that is probably a just criticism. But Obama actually seems to relish going against the polls. In health care, in immigration policy, in energy policy, in spending policy, in tax policy, in race relations policy…he continues to stick it up the majorities’ posterior. Since he is obviously tone deaf to where America is on the issues, who is he trying to please? And why does he enjoy it so much?
The answer is simple. He is an African colonial ideologue, with no particular allegiance to the United States other than the opportunity to punish it for his perception of America’s misdeeds. He is a minority president who has decided to ignore the class of citizens that have made this country great. His policies and actions have lost all semblance of being centrist. He doesn’t even pretend anymore. If the oil spill kills Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida…so be it. They are a bunch of redneck white racists who are getting what they deserve. Those states won't vote for him anyway. And while he is at it, he can destroy the big bad oil companies in the process.
He doesn’t need any additional legislation to secure the borders. He has all he needs. He is choosing not to do it, holding enforcement hostage to “comprehensive immigration reform” which translates to amnesty. If more illegals flood into the country…so be it. That is more people he can give amnesty to, and America is too white anyway. He will sue Arizona from enforcing ID legislation that the rest of us have to abide by both here and abroad (try crossing from Canada into the United States without a passport) while letting sanctuary cities pass laws which fly in the face of the federal law.
His blatant misrepresentation of this monstrosity of a health care bill becomes more and more evident each day. He doesn’t care. His appointment to head Medicare has publicly stated he is for rationing of health care for seniors, and is an admirer of the British system. Try getting a hip replacement in Britain if you are over eighty. He is a scary dude. But middle class America has more than its fair share of the health care pie.
And as he goes merrily down the road with his radical leftist agenda (the purpose of NASA is outreach to the Muslims?), he is destroying our currency and loading the country up with debt…like someone with a stolen credit card. Don’t interrupt his golf games, his concerts, his travel plans and his parties. Nero is fiddling while Rome burns…and loving it.
The fall elections are the most important elections in our lifetime. Unless some checks and balances are put into place, we are in big trouble. The damage will be irreparable, and country will be asking 10 years from now…what happened? Look at what he is doing. Enough!!
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Leah C.
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