Commenting on the massive winter storm which a 1/3 of the nation has just experienced, he stated that this is just the beginning. He believes that we are in for a prolonged period extremely cold winters that might even approach the mini-ice age status of the late 1700’s/early 1800’s. Huh? He went onto to state that the rise in global temperatures has reversed itself, and will continue to trend downward over the next thirty years due to three events: La Nina and a natural change in something called the PDA which occurs every 20-30 years; a change in sunspot patterns; and increase volcanic activity. He went on to say that cold is worse than warm, because it takes substantially more energy to heat than to cool…not a good thing in a time of rising energy costs.
He further commented that the purveyors of global warming have taken ownership of all answers to unanswerable questions about climate and weather. Whether it is too many hurricanes or too few hurricanes; too much snow or not enough snow; flooding along the Mississippi or drought in Georgia…the answer is ALWAYS global warming.
Just a year ago the global warming crowd was saying the amount of snowfall was going to decrease to the point where there would be next to none. Now they are explaining the excessive snowfall in recent winters by claiming the global warming is causing evaporation of water which is manifesting itself now in snow. It reminds of the story that the reason people were told to use the revolving doors in department stores was to generate electricity to run the escalators.
It is clear to me that America needs to get its head on straight when dealing with issues of so-called climate change. The exposure of doctored test results last year from the center of all things global warming muted the discussion. But the advocates still walk among us…mostly in Washington.
These folks are not environmentalists. They are social justice advocates who are using the issue to redistribute wealth…mostly from the United States. You hear very little about China and India, who are the worst offenders of all sorts of pollution. In fact, we are supposed to give them a pass… much like health care exemptions which are being handed out like party favors to Obama’s cronies.
The Obama administration is still hell bent to end fossil fuel use. Congress will block his cap and trade global warming legislation. But watch what Obama does with his EPA trying to accomplish the same thing by decree.
We would do well to listen to Joe Bastardi…and closely watch the machinations of Barack Obama and his EPA. Global warming ideologues don't take no for an answer, even if the snow is up to their ass.
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