Obama apparently can’t come to grips with the political reality of the country. Liberal ideas often look good on paper, but when the rubber hits the road, it becomes like the television sitcom Boy Meets World. What looks good on paper often doesn’t translate well.
Domestically, with his agenda DOA in Congress, and what he passed over the past two years in jeopardy, he is acting like he doesn’t know what to do. His reaction to the crisis in Egypt was tepid and somewhat indecisive, although it is still too early to tell how things are going to work out. Domestically, his budget proposal was universally panned by Republicans and Democrats…and he actually picked up some criticism from the press. Now, with the mess in Wisconsin, he retreats to his usual union posture rather than trying to do something creative which might actually be helpful.
Outside of Egypt, things have never been more dangerous in the Mideast than they are right now. This is what happens when dangerous nations perceive weakness. Iran is attempting to move warships through the Suez Canal for the first time since the Islamic revolution. The Egyptian upheaval has opened the door to the Muslim Brotherhood entering the political mainstream. Other allies such as Jordan and Bahrain have entered the danger zone. This isn’t good. Bahrain is particularly dangerous with major United States military installations at risk if it falls the Shiite control.
South of the border in Mexico, violence is escalating. Americans are being shot. There is complete anarchy the length of the Mexican/Texas border with whole towns deserted. Instead of addressing the rapid Mexican descent into chaos, Obama's Justice Department continues its merry way suing states that attempt to close their borders.
Domestically, the country is drowning in debt. While he gives lip service to wanting to get it under control, his actions speak louder than his words. States and some municipalities are on the verge of bankruptcy…and he is off visiting tech plants in Washington State and giving pep talks in Cleveland. Meanwhile, the states are collapsing, and reports are tonight that Obama's Organizing for America political arm and the Democratic National Committee are underwriting this mess in Madison, Wisconsin. Any doubts about an Obama move to the middle should be dispelled tonight. His comments relating to Wisconsin are inappropriate, but certainly in character.
The Republicans aren’t doing much better in the leader department. John Boehner is a nice guy, and boring. Among the array of potential presidential candidates, Chris Christie of New Jersey seems to have caught the fancy of party operatives and the media…but he says he is not running and apparently means it (right!!). But the rest of the field is non-inspiring to downright annoying. (I luv Sarah Palin...but for President?? I think not!!)
Right now, for the first time in my lifetime, the fate of America rests with the people. All political movement and activity seems to be grass roots oriented and moving by osmosis. Let’s hope that the collective wisdom of the nation moves the country in the right direction inspite of the nitwit political leaders with whom we are currently blessed.
1 comment:
In my 69 years on the face of the earth I have never seen the turmoil that currently exists in this country let alone the world. Mexico, the Middle East and right here at home is totally leaderless, I agree with the writer, where do we find leaders? For the first time in my life, my cup is 1/2 empty when I attempt to digest what is occuring all over the world. We are in a very scary place.
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