All that's left is the waiting as the nation barrels down the track to an uncertain, debt laden future. I have always had faith in the wisdom of the American Electorate. This time I am not so sure. In an age of unlimited information, the public seemed to have its head in the sand this time around. The only question is how bad things will have to get before folks come to their senses, or has there been a seed change in the American way of thinking and all is lost?
I was with a group of folks last night who think like me. We had a gathering at The Youngstown Club in downtown Youngstown. New Year's Eve marks the closing of this 80 something year old institution that was originally made up of the local industrial barons. It was a male centric private club that has had a long history of being...let's just say...less than open. It was famous for employing only African Americans for its wait staff. In a city of ethnicity, it was mostly White Anglo Saxon Protestant. As time went on, the barriers came down. As the steel mills closed, so did the ethnic and gender discrimination as the doors had to open for it to survive.
It valiantly tried, but in the end the crisp white table cloths and beautiful surroundings just couldn't cut it in the modern age. Private clubs were passe. Couple that with four years of vilifying those who would join such an organization, the hateful 1%....or 20%...it finally had to close its doors. God forbid those who were successful enjoying the fruits of their labor. Afterall, they didn't build that. The villification in the VIndicator comment section was disturbing. How much hate has been fostered in this country?
So now America is facing increased taxes that will effect everybody notwithstanding the rhetoric that surrounds the fiscal cliff. Increased costs are going to touch everyone in one form or another. Hidden taxes are everywhere. Inflation is rearing its ugly head nothwithstanding what government officials are telling you. They are lying.
Regulations are flying out of Washington strangling growth like water over Niagara Falls. I have personally experienced two instances of what these regulations can do to business and I can tell you it is not pretty. It is downright scary. I am blessed with a law degree and forty years experience which helps me navigate some of these artificial insane roadblocks. The average guy doesn't stand a chance.
And in the background is the Affordable Care Act that will make any problems resulting from going over the fiscal cliff, or not, look like a walk in the park. Therein lies the anchor around America's future. It will strangle the future. The more stories I hear, the more pessimistic I become. Put together enough anecdotal stories and pretty soon you have the truth.
As I left the Youngstown Club the other night, and said goodbye to a place where in my earlier years I sat on the Board of Directors, I felt like I was saying goodbye to the America I knew a long time ago with the values that my parent instilled in me as a child. Hard work, perseverance, responsibility, the importance of the individual, freedom, the sanctity of life have been replaced with Obama is giving me a phone. No ma'am, Obama did not give you a phone. I and the other hardworking taxpaying Americans gave you a phone. And I thank you not to shove it in our face.
And if things keep going the way they are, pretty soon there won't be too many people left willing to work to give you another one. It won't be worth the effort. We are all aboard the coming train wreck.