Sunday, January 8, 2012

Iran: THE Most Important Issue in this Election

While the press is busily showing its political savvy by asking Mitt Romney whether he believes states should have the authority to outlaw contraception, the real threat to the United States is getting the grand tour in Central America. This week, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran is visiting Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Cuba, to name just a few of his stops. While George Stephanopoulos is worried about the Republican stance on birth control, Iran is bringing the next great war to our back yard.

It never ceases to amaze me how the left wing supplicant press ignores the story that has no explanation or excuse. Mahmoud isn’t here for his health. He is shoring up support in this hemisphere with his leftist buddies for what is to come. The only issue that counts is how close Iran is to having a nuclear bomb. While we have been fiddling, Rome continues to burn, and we are running out of time.

Foreign policy is all about perception. What do you think the other guy will do if (fill in the blank) happens? Ronald Reagan was a master of mastering perception. He let folks believe he was a little nuts, and it gave them pause. It might have even frightened them just a tad. At any rate, it worked and paved the way for the fall of the Soviet Union.

The problem with this game of foreign policy is what if there is a misperception or a misstep? What if Ahmadinejad’s assumptions are wrong; or worse, what if they are right? George H.W. Bush sent the wrong vibe out to Saddam Hussein about how the United States would react if he invaded Kuwait, and Saddam took the cue. What message has this country been sending to Iran since the hostage crisis and Jimmy Carter? The mullahs should have been taken out then. Instead, we have been playing patsy with these guys, and now they are very close to having a nuclear bomb.

Just how close is open to question. What’s not open is whether or not Iran has the means to deliver an atomic bomb to a target. Right now, it has the capability of hitting Israel. It also claims, with some back up, that it can reach Western Europe. As for the bomb itself, estimates go from six months to three years. This morning the expert said by the end of this year. If the tour through Central America is a clue…what is Ahmadinejad looking for?

Mutually assured destruction (MAD) is not an assumption on which you can base foreign policy decisions when dealing with a madman. He and his cohorts view the world through a distorted lens of religion and martyrdom. Life is expendable to these folks. They don’t care if they are destroyed. In their eyes, damage done to their enemy is worth the effort in the bigger picture of the struggle of civilizations. The goal is to destroy Israel. And if they bet that the United States is a paper tiger who will not respond, then we have problems. Given how Obama has treated the Iran with kid gloves since coming to office, that is not such a risky bet.

But there is an insurance policy the Iranians can buy. Put a nuclear armed missile at America’s back door. Yes, President Obama, you may retaliate if we hit Israel, but what city of yours is expendable? Miami? Tampa? Houston? Iran's armed missile doesn’t have to be spot on accurate…it just has to be close. And it is 18 minutes away if not closer.

That’s what’s at stake. So Mr. Stephanopoulos, while you and your fellow Obama sycophants are worried about Romney and birth control, Ahmadinejad is laughing out of both sides of his mouth at silly Americans like you.

The most important issue in the election, more than the economy, more than gay marriage, more than Obamacare, more than birth control….is which person running for office right now, including Barack Obama, is up to the task of handling Iran. Our lives may depend on it.

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