If you had any doubt as to how the progressive movement feels about our Constitution, this past week should eliminate it. These folks have finally exposed themselves for what they are. From the President, to the Supreme Court, to the press, we now have confirmation of their disdain for the founding documents of this country. This is why President Obama and his progressive movement colleagues are dangerous to America and our way of life. They view the Constitution as a flawed document and America as a flawed country. Their goal is to get around the Constitution rather than uphold it. Are you ready to throw the Constitution under the bus?
1) Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States, said in an interview aired in Egypt of all places: “I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012…I might look at the constitution of South Africa. That was a deliberate attempt to have a fundamental instrument of government that embraced basic human rights, had an independent judiciary….You would almost certainly look at the European Convention on Human Rights…” Really? Further references were made to human rights protected in other countries and not in the United States, including the right to a free education, free health care, and food. Guess how she is going to vote on Obama care?
2) In one of his hard hitting interviews, Matt Lauer asked Barack Obama how he feels about his supporters being upset he was not the transformational president he promised to be. Obama responded that people are frustrated but “It turns out our Founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes.” Really? Let’s see. You circumvented the congressional oversight of your cabinet by appointing a bunch of czars. You made “recess” appointments to various positions in your administration when Congress was not in recess. You are attempting to strangle the carbon fuel industry by fiat after Congress refused to pass your cap and trade bill. And now you are forcing the Catholic Church to give its employees an insurance policy that provides contraception, which is against the Catholic religion, while giving exemptions to all of your union buddies who don’t want to comply with Obamacare. Hail Caesar. The emperor is alive and well and living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
3) The New York Times, in an editorial written by Adam Liptak, states that the United States Constitution is in decline, and thus the country is in decline. He compares it to Windows 3.1, because it doesn’t guarantee things like health care, housing and education. He further states that most countries look to the framework provided in the constitutions of India, South Africa, and New Zealand…which are more “progressive.”
In a rebuttal commentary, Ben Shapiro stated that the United States is moving towards an international constitution rather than an historic constitution because the citizens of this country are coming to believe that the government is there to provide for them rather than to protect our liberties. Mr. Shapiro is exactly right. That is the fundamental change Barack Obama wants to impose on our country. Real rights, real freedom are perverted. “The rest of the world has relied on America’s constitutional mindset to support it through trials and tribulations for well over a century. Who will support us when we abandon the philosophy that has stood for American freedom for centuries?” Amen, Mr. Shapiro. Amen!
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