America fought back, and handed Obama a shellacking; his words not mine. It was the biggest turnover in the House of Representatives in seventy five years. Faced with an overtly Republican House, and a Senate now dominated by Republican and conservative Blue Dog Democrats up for re-election in 2012, Obama made nice on the tax compromise. But he kicked and screamed all the way calling Republicans hostage takers. So much for his feeble attempt at bi-partisanship!
But never fear!! Leftists always have a plan B, and it usually involves circumventing the Democratic process because what they want fails in the normal Democratic process. It is called authoritarianism…and we are now on the brink of entering Dictatorship America.
Pshaw, you say. You can pooh-pooh all you want, but that is exactly where we are headed. If he can’t win the vote in Congress…and can’t win the case court…he will do it through the Dictatorship of the Bureaucracy. Here come the agencies, courts and Congress be damned.
1) While America was out fa-la-la-ing around, the FCC took over the internet. Congress already told the FCC it couldn’t do it. The Supreme Court of the United States said it couldn’t do it. It did it, and how Congress and the Supreme Court reacts will dictate our freedoms for the future. Using old laws governing radio waves, the FCC implemented something called net neutrality, which means the owners of the broadband wires can’t play favorites as to who has access to them. Sounds good? You bet. Here’s the problem…there was no problem. Nobody was complaining. It is just something they wanted to do. And the FCC in a 3-2 vote told Congress and the Supreme Court to shove it. So what’s the big deal? Besides the obvious that the FCC is trying to dictate how the internet is used by fiat, it is a precursor to the re-establishment of the fairness doctrine in radio broadcasting. This is dangerous, and the proverbial getting the camel’s nose under the tent.
2) The EPA is about to promulgate (I love that word) a bunch of new rules that will implement by executive order the Cap and Trade global warming fiasco defeated in the Senate last year. It has declared carbon dioxide a dangerous gas, and is now claiming the right to regulate it. Watch out, America. While you are freezing your ass off in one of the coldest and snowiest winters on record, the global warming zealots are on the prowl doing good for you and for mankind. Never mind the science or the will of the people, they know what’s good for you.
3) In the health care debacle, Republicans warned of death panels. Congress removed from the health care bill funding to pay doctors for end of life counseling. That’s telling people the virtue of dying with dignity. This is more than turn off the machines when brain dead. This is making seniors feeling guilty about spending money for treatments that may prolong life but are expensive. Let’s just put granny in the box and bury her out back. By the way, this counseling is not the death panel Sarah Palin warned about. THAT is the government agency that determines the cost effectiveness of treatment by dividing the cost of the treatment by the actuarial tables’ life expectancy of the patient to determine whether that patient is qualified for treatment. If you break your hip if your 85, your screwed. That, of course, is not to be confused with the Health and Human Services Secretary granting compliance “waivers” to the new health care regs to “friends” while the rest of us twist slowly in the breeze. Seriously!!!!
This kind of arbitrary governance is dangerous and can lead to civil disobedience and civil unrest. Obama is conceding that he is finished in Congress. So now he will do what leftists do best…rule by decree. The battle for freedom over the next two years will shift to the courts….and I predict the United States Supreme Court will be very busy telling Obama and his minions just what they can, and more importantly, what they can’t do.