In all the years I have been following politics I have never seen a presidency completely collapse. Left wing pundits out of excuses have put on their smarmy faces and are screaming warning, warning, warning about the those reactionary tea party devils who have shifted the center of the Republican Party to a spot somewhat right of Mussolini. As Congresswoman Maxine Waters expressed that sentitment the other day saying the Tea Party can all go to hell. The Progressive message: we don’t have anything to offer, but they are much worse. Hope that works out for them!!!!!
The fact is that America is slowly coming to the conclusion that Obama is finished, and is now systematically searching for an alternative. Republicans are not satisfied with the field of assorted candidates. Romney is the ghost candidate who is running a stealth political campaign. He is the front runner, but his appearances are few and far between. It’s tough to find anyone who is “for” him. He is the least objectionable opponent to Obama. Most people, including me, think he would do a good job; but enthusiasm is lacking. Like John McCain’s mother told us in the 2008 campaign, hold your nose and vote for him.
What seems to be happening now is a spontaneous effort to find a more acceptable Republican candidate, and this movement crosses the political spectrum clear into the Democratic Party. The vast majority of Republicans are in the undecided column as to who the nominee should be. Support for specific candidates is weak and fluid. Independents, while indicating they would vote overwhelmingly for a generic Republican, have Romney even with Obama, and all the rest somewhat behind. Where can I get a campaign sign for a generic Republican?
But I have noticed an interesting phenonoman on Fox News. Strange pundits seem to be showing up for commentary. These are folks from CBS, ABC, and the New York Times. Whoa!! What are they doing there? And the comments they are making indicate that there may be a resurgence of Blue Dog Democrats. Maybe, just maybe, the center/left Democrats have finally had their fill of social democratic Keynesian claptrap as the economy continues to go down the tubes. Maybe, just maybe, a segment of the Democratic true believers are coming out of their Obama stupor, realizing that they live in this country too, and as far as national leadership goes…Houston, we have a problem.
Those black busses of death that Obama spent two million dollars on (made in Canada), criss-crossing the Midwest in campaign mode at the taxpayers’ expense, may have been the tipping point. “See you in September” just doesn’t cut it when the future looks so bleak and Obama is going to Martha’s Vineyard to cavort with all of the millionaire jet owners he wants us to hate so much. Historians may view this past week as the week that marked the beginning of the end of the Obama administration, and the week that America finally emerged from the sweet smelling smoked induced Obama stupor propagated by the press. Dudes, put out the funny cigarettes, the country going down the crapper.
Deals are now being made with Republican candidates that are center right; that would generate Republican enthusiasm and may allow for quiet acceptance of fiscally conservative Blue Dog Democrats. Not that they would campaign or work for the Republican, they would just let Obama slip quietly into his Keynesian swamp of debt and despair. It’s important to some of these Dems that they get along with Republicans after the November election. It’s not only the Presidency at stake, but control of the Senate. They could end up with a Republican Trifecta, with Republicans controlling, once again, both houses of Congress and the Presidency.
Who is on the short list? Chris Christie, Paul Ryan, and Marco Rubio!!! In the VP column…Meg Whitman, Herman Cain, John Kasich.
Chris Christie was and remains my choice for President. His New Jersey swagger makes his political style familiar to Democrats. His tough love stance and masterful control of an out of control New Jersey government makes him appealing across the spectrum of Republican political thought. He is someone we can be “for”.
In the meantime, we look forward to Obama’s September address and plan….almost three years in the making!!! Maybe he can stand outside of one of those Canadian made busses when he gives it. The only redeeming thing was they weren't made in China....well maybe 50%. I would have to check the sticker!!!!!
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