Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mr. President: Show Me Now

I am absolutely flabbergasted at what I am reading on the editorial pages of the newspapers as they turn on Obama one by one. What is fascinating is they view the failure of Obama’s policies as the failure of Obama rather than the failure of the policies. These policies should have worked. They didn’t. Therefore it must be Obama’s fault. He didn’t fight hard enough. He caved too often. He should have done more.

The reality is that, outside of closing Gitmo, Obama gave his left wing base pretty much everything they asked for: Obamacare, global warming regs through the EPA rather than through legislation. Although he didn’t get card check for unions, he sued Boeing for building a plant in a non-union state. He increased banking regulations…stymied oil drilling growth (notwithstanding rhetoric to the contrary), and gave them the most massive spending bill in the history of the United States the effect of which was to double the national debt. Hidden in that bill was every pet project his base ever wanted and was denied. Now the economy is headed back into recession, and there are no more bullets in the liberal gun except for MORE spending…and that don’t work!!!!

Here’s the dirty little secret for those liberal media types criticizing Obama for his failures. It isn’t just Obama’s policies that have failed. It is YOUR policies that have failed. You can’t spend your way into prosperity, tax the people who are generating the money, sue the companies that generate the jobs while slapping more regulations on them, and turn the health care system upside down through a bill which I believe will ultimately be declared unconstitutional, and then wonder where the jobs are!!!!!

Every twenty years or so America flirts with liberalism and progressives hoping for that utopian life painted by these folks. It’s not there. It’s a lie. Life is hard. Government can help ease pain and nudge the country in various directions, but it cannot be the be all and end all of life as we know it without smothering the country using coercive efforts to get people not to do what people normally do naturally. If Prohibition taught us anything, it may look good on paper, but the cure is usually worse than the disease. Another generation has now learned the facts of life, and moves back to what made this country great, individual initiative and hard work. Here is the golden rule of economics: If you tax it, you get less of it. If you subsidize it, you get more of it. Not a hard lesson to learn, but one that this country needs to learn over and over again.

I feel sorry of Obama. He physically looks bad. His lofty rhetoric doesn’t sound so lofty anymore. Hope and change are gone and replaced by despair and vindictiveness. The riots in England are a morality play showing where this country is headed. The credit downgrade is embarrassing. The death of the Navy Seals in the helicopter tragedy in Afghanistan brings into the question his self declared “right” war and his strategy in waging it (Here's a hint: Don’t tell the bad guys when you are leaving). His economic team deserted him. The one remaining, Tim Geithner, has lost all credibility. And now his media groupies are saying he didn’t do enough. What’s an Obama to do?

Pragmatic politicians would naturally shift to the center, but he is so dogmatic he can’t. So he is once again turning to his “political” abilities. He goes on vacation, then goes out campaigning. It won’t work this time. People have gotten sea sick following your head alternating between teleprompters. In the immortal words of Eliza Dolittle in My Fair Lady:
Don’t wait until wrinkle and lines
Pop up all over my brow
Show me now!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's two Daily Show clips that clearly show the fallacy of your comment that "You can’ the people who are generating the money":

So, if you actually watched the clips and still think that The Daily Show is nothing more than a comedy show then I guess you'll never get it and you're part of the problem, not part of the solution.