Monday, August 1, 2011

The Triple Noose Around America's Neck: OPEC, China, the EPA

By the time you read this, Congress may or may not have passed legislation relating to the debt ceiling and budget cuts. All of this is interesting, but it is the symptom and not the problem. All of the cutting and raising and easing doesn’t mean a thing. The problem is energy, China and the EPA. Until those things are resolved, you might as well bend over and kiss your behind goodbye.

The root of our problem is energy. Instead of listening to common sense, we have buried our heads in a bunch of environmental crap and junk science global warming.  Recent statistics compiled by NASA show that computer models used by the United Nations predicting global catastrophe are based on heat dissipation figures that are pure fiction.  NASA has the real figures, and those UN models are not even close. The transfer of money from the United States to OPEC is in excess of $1 billion/day. It is the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world, and we let it happen while listening to every whack job do-gooder that comes down the pike rather than our good common sense. Until we become energy independent, including opening up the country for drilling, establishment of wind farms, building nuclear energy plants, solar energy production, and building an infrastructure to allow for the development of natural gas, hydrogen, and electric powered cars…NOTHING WILL GET BETTER. We cannot continue to allow the greenbacks printed by our treasury to be converted into petrodollars controlled by our enemies.

China is not our friend. Is it a military competitor like the Soviet Union? No. It is a commercial predator that has systematically horded most of the world’s cash reserves using slave labor and violating human rights. It has violated every financial convention there is by manipulating its currency. And it doesn’t even deny it!!! It just says it will address the problem in due time. ENOUGH. What isn’t going to OPEC is going to China. America…wake up.

And one of the reasons everything is going to China is what little is left of our manufacturing base in this country is being smothered by the EPA. The EPA is strangling us. The environment is the religion of the left, and used to punish those evil capitalists who are wasting the world’s resources. Horse manure! The EPA has turned into an institution geared towards wealth redistribution at the behest of the loony left. One volcanic eruption can spew as much junk into the atmosphere as all the cars in the world can produce in year. If you want to America to prosper once again, the EPA has to be reined in as it starts to implement by fiat the cap and trade regulations defeated by Congress. FYI, China has surpassed the United States in energy consumption, yet you won’t hear the do-gooders complain about that. No, that is still the worker’s paradise. If you think for one minute China gives a rip about the environment, think again.

America has turned into a pauper nation through bad energy policy, bad trade policy, and bad environmental policy. No monetary or fiscal policy can fix the problem.  There is no money left. It’s time for America to wake up before it is to late. I have seen the enemy, and it is us.

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